优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I have never understood the importance of parties in the classroom. As a mother of two school age children, I believe that public schools should no longer   (1)   classroom parties during the school day.

                (2)   is very important to students in school today. Our school year is already too short. Teachers can only just get all the basics of the courses (课程) into the   (3)   instructional minutes of the day.   (4)  , there is no time for anything useless or silly.   (5)   time is best spent focusing on the primary goal — learning.

              And what about food? For health and safety reasons, schools often require that   (6)   for these activities should be bought from a store. This   (7)   a real problem for many families. Biscuits for a class of students, plus drinks and napkins can   (8)  what it costs a family to eat a meal at home. The   (9)  of a classroom party is   (10)   a problem for many people, especially in these difficult times.   (11)  , we all know that our children have eaten enough sugar and junk food without the school   (12)   such unhealthy choices.

              All the   (13)   that a party can create is unacceptable! I   (14)   those birthday parties held at home for my children. I would just buy the disposable (一次性的) plates, cups, and napkins   (15)   I didn’t need to do any cleaning up. But even so, I just   (16)   to fit all the party time rubbish into the rubbish bin (垃圾桶).   (17)  the trash thrown out by a school of 16 classrooms and over 400 students. It only adds to the   (18)   of our planet’s environment.

              I am not sure when our public schools decided that classroom   (19)  needed to become a part of the school calendar (日历), but I do not see the   (20)  . So I do believe schools should forbid (禁止) classroom celebrations.

              (1) A. prevent            B. allow              
              C. control             D. protect

              (2) A. Safety             B. Courage          
              C. Health               D. Time     

              (3) A. noticed            B. discussed       
              C. required                    D. chosen 

              (4) A. Certainly             B. Probably           
              C. Luckily                    D. Suddenly 

              (5) A. Family                B. Dinner           
              C. Office               D. School 

              (6) A. foods                   B. gifts                
              C. flowers                     D. clothes 

              (7) A. ends              B. describes         
              C. creates              D. explains 

              (8) A. take care of            B. match up to        
              C. take place of             D. add up to

              (9) A. cost                       B. place                  
              C. thought             D. design

              (10) A. quickly                 B. easily              
              C. strangely                D. interestingly

              (11) A. Instead                   B. Though            
              C. Besides                    D. However

              (12) A. refusing          B. missing            
              C. avoiding                  D. encouraging

              (13) A. waste                   B. pleasure            
              C. excitement            D. failure  

              (14) A. prefer                  B. remember       
              C. discover                   D. expect 

              (15) A. as if                     B. even if              
              C. so that              D. now that

              (16) A. prepared              B. hoped               
              C. decided                  D. managed   

              (17) A. Imagine           B. Cover                  
              C. Offer                       D. Plan   

              (18) A. influence              B. problem             
              C. truth                       D. future      

              (19) A. reports                B. trips                 
              C. parties                D. exams   

              (20) A. success            B. value              
              C. chance                D. condition

            • 2.

              The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must  (1)  sixty hours of service learning,   (2)  they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community.   (3)   of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student.   (4)  a service experience, students must keep a journal and then write a   (5)   about what they have learned.

              Supporters claim that there are many   (6)   of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think   (7)   their own interests and become   (8)   of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that   (9)   responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team.  (10)  , students can explore possible careers   (11)   service learning.For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.

                (12)   there are many benefits, opponents(反对者)   (13)   problems with the new requirement.

              First, they   (14)   that the main reason why students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills.

              Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend   (15)   time studying the core subjects.

              Second, they believe that forcing students to work without  (16)   goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individual’s freedom to choose.

              In my view, service learning is a great way to   (17)   to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers.   (18)  , I don’t believe you should force people to help others – the   (19)   to help must come from the heart. I think the best  (20)  is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility, and as young adults, we must learn to handle both wisely.

              (1) A. spend            B. gain                  
              C. complete            D. save

              (2) A. and              B. or                   
              C. but               D. for

              (3) A. Subjects          B. Ideas              
              C. Procedures           D. Examples

              (4) A. With             B. Before               
              C. During              D. After

              (5) A. diary           B. report                
              C. note              D. notice

              (6) A. courses          B. benefits              
              C. challenges           D. features

              (7) A. beyond         B. about               
              C. over              D. in

              (8) A. careful        B. proud              
              C. tired              D. aware

              (9) A. possess           B. apply                
              C. include               D. develop

              (10) A. Gradually        B. Finally             
              C. Luckily               D. Hopefully

              (11) A. through          B. across                
              C. of                  D. on

              (12) A. So             B. Thus               
              C. Since             D. While

              (13) A. deal with         B. look into            
              C. point out             D. take down

              (14) A. argue         B. doubt               
              C. overlook                       D. admit

              (15) A. much           B. full                
              C. less               D. more

              (16) A. cost            B. pay                
              C. care.               D. praise

              (17) A. contribute       B. appeal               
              C. attend             D. belong

              (18) A. Therefore       B. Otherwise          
              C. Besides                D. However

              (19) A. courage         B. desire             
              C. emotion              D. spirit

              (20) A. decision         B. purpose            
              C. solution               D. result

            • 3.

              It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others’ thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal is — to have a boss hire you, to  (1)  others to vote for the person of your  (2)  or to describe the  (3)  that you want your hair cut ... the key to success seems to be the   (4)  to speak well.

                  Another   (5)  advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to   (6)  the admiration, respect, or liking of others. Tell jokes, and everyone will think you’re really a   (7)  man. Tell them all you know, and they’ll be  (8)   by your wisdom. But keep quiet, and it seems as if you are a   (9)  person.

                  Finally, talking gives you the   (10)  to release (释放) energy in a way that listening can’t. When you’re  (11)  , the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better. In the same way, you can often  (12)  your anger by letting it out orally. It is also helpful to  (13)  your excitement with others by talking about it,   (14)  keeping it inside often leaves you feeling as if you might burst.

                  While it is true that talking does have many advantages, it’s important to   (15)  that listening can do good to listeners, too. As you’ll soon read, being a good listener is one good way to   (16)  others with their problems; and what better way is there to have others   (17)  you? As for controlling others, it may be true that it’s hard to be persuasive while you’re listening, but your  (18)   to hear others out will often make them open to your ideas  (19)  . Listening is often reciprocal (互惠的). “You get what you  (20)  .”

              (1) A. insist           B. advise
              C. persuade                   D. suggest

              (2) A. friend       B. relation         
              C. choice             D. leader

              (3) A. idea            B. way           
              C. means             D. plan

              (4) A. resource      B. energy        
              C. power                D. ability

              (5) A. obvious       B. easy           
              C. new               D. special

              (6) A. gain            B. grasp         
              C. remain               D. seize

              (7) A. successful    B. simple        
              C. humorous          D. stupid

              (8) A. affected     B. impressed     
              C. instructed             D. moved

              (9) A. fruitless           B. priceless          
              C. worthless          D. careless

              (10) A. pleasure      B. course         
              C. duty              D. chance

              (11) A. in trouble   B. in danger         
              C. in debt                      D. in silence

              (12) A. reduce      B. lengthen         
              C. deepen              D. widen

              (13) A. control             B. share           
              C. enjoy             D. remove

              (14) A. or               B. so                  
              C. for                    D. though

              (15) A. suppose     B. notice         
              C. realize               D. imagine

              (16) A. fail         B. cure            
              C. hurt               D. help

              (17) A. appreciate   B. listen to        
              C. envy               D. support

              (18) A. kindness   B. favor         
              C. willingness           D. eagerness

              (19) A. by turns              B. in return       
              C. in turn            D. in order

              (20) A. lose          B. ask for               
              C. need                 D. give

            • 4. On Dec.13,2014,Nubia Wilson turned 16.But instead of (1) with an exciting Sweet 16birthday party,the California teen devoted this milestone to (2) the lives of orphans in Ethiopia.
              Through several summers of volunteer work at an Ethiopia orphanage,Nubia learned firsthand the severe poverty so many children (3) .In an email to The Huffington Post,Nubia said that she was (4) struck by the children"s lack of access to (5) -their school only went through the fourth grade.
              Over the course of her volunteer work,Nubia became interested in one (6) ,Hermela.She writes:
              Out of the many students in the kindergarten class,Hermela became (7) and attached to me to a point where it was becoming (8) for both of us to leave each other.She is now in the second grade.The thought of Hermela not being able to have her meal and (9) education after the fourth grade became (10) and I knew I had to do something.
              That"s when Nubia decided that she didn"t want a traditional Sweet 16. (11) ,she wanted to use the money her parents would have spent on a party to establish (12) grade class for Hermela and other kids.
              "The money could provide a(n) (13) solution that will serve for many years compared to the one-day (14) of my party,"Nubia wrote to Huffpost Live.In short,I want Hermela to continue (15) ."
              After telling friends and family her (16) ,Nubia set up a(n) (17) page"Keep Hermela Smiling"on CrowdRise.Her (18) will raise funds for the Fregenet Foundation,which funds education and community services in Ethiopia.
              So far,Nubia has (19) $2,781 of her$10,000 goal.Nubia says that her parents have been extremely (20) ; they"re selling most of their Ethiopian artifacts to help raise funds.
              Nubia"s birthday may not have been a party,but it"s truly a celebration.

            • 5.
              I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.
              When I walked into the living-room,my 12-year-old son (1) up at me and said,"I love you."I didn't know what to say.For several (2) all I could do was to (3) there and looked down at him.My first thought was that he must need (4) with his homework or he was trying to (5) me for some news.
              Finally I asked,"What was that all about?"
              "Nothing,"he said."My teacher said we should (6) our parents that we love them and sees what they say.It's (7) ."
              The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this"experiment"and how the other parents had (8)
              "Most of the fathers had the (9) reacting (反应) as you did,"the teacher said."When I first (10) we try this,I asked the children what they thought their parents would say.Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble."The (11) is,"the teacher explained,"feeling loved is an important part of (12) .It is something all people (13) .What I'm trying to tell the children is that it's too (14) we don't all express those feeling.A boy (15) tell his dad he loves him."
              The teacher,a middle-aged man,understands how (16) it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.
              When my son came to me that evening,I held on to (抱着) him for (17) second.And just before he (18) away,I said in my deepest,most manly (男子气概) voice,"Hey,I love you,too."
              I don't know if saying that made either of us healthier,but it did feel pretty good (感觉很好).Maybe next time one of my children says"I love you",it would not take me a whole (19) to think of the right (20)

              (1) A. watched B. observed C. looked D. noticed
              (2) A. weeks B. days C. hours D. seconds
              (3) A. stand B. sit C. see D. play
              (4) A. rest B. time C. help D. paper
              (5) A. report B. prepare C. answer D. excuse
              (6) A. help B. tell C. ask D. make
              (7) A. a matter B. an experiment C. a word D. a sentence
              (8) A. said B. reacted (反应) C. done D. explained
              (9) A. same B. different C. usual D. common
              (10) A. suggested B. agreed C. allowed D. planned
              (11) A. point B. idea C. way D. cause
              (12) A. boy B. health C. life D. study
              (13) A. have B. know C. take D. require (需求)
              (14) A. bad B. good C. late D. early
              (15) A. fit B. ready C. worth D. able
              (16) A. easy B. much C. often D. difficult
              (17) A. a more B. a full C. an exact D. an extra (额外的)
              (18) A. pulled B. step C. walked D. escaped
              (19) A. day B. week C. afternoon D. morning
              (20) A. answer B. key C. reason D. experiment
            • 6.
              It is important to build confidence in whatever we try to do.Let's just say that cooking has not (1) been my thing.Many of my friends know that I (2) a lot of meals.When we invited people over they wanted to know if I would be near the kitchen before they would (3)
              After one brutal batch of chili,I decided to put some (4) into learning how to cook.I began visiting cooking websites but was discouraged by their lack of pictures and felt (5) .I borrowed a cook book from the library but didn't have any of the food (6) to make what they were suggesting.
              (7) ,I did something that most would think is common sense.I started to read and follow the (8) that most foods provide on the package.Who knew that they would be so (9) ?I never would have improved my cooking skills without trying to get better.Now as much as I would like to say from that point on everything went (10) .Just like learning anything it took a lot of (11)
              At first I undercooked the baked chicken.Then I (12) the chicken.Finally,after three attempts,it was edible (可吃的) but I forgot to season (调味) it (13) .Once I made it through those cooking (14) ,I can now bake chicken with the best of them.
              After I (15) chicken I was on to my next dish,spaghetti.I followed the ways to cook the noodles and got them just right.I added the meat and sauce blend to the noodles and was (16) by how watery everything came out.Oops,I forgot to (17) the noodles.Spaghetti only took (18) tries to get it right.My trial and error helped me start building confidence.
              When it comes to building confidence there is a(n) (19) that one should follow.Building confidence in life is just like cooking.You have to take the time to learn the (20) before you become successful at it.
              (1) A. merely B. really C. yet D. always
              (2) A. bought B. cooked C. ruined D. wasted
              (3) A. comment B. complain C. try D. accept
              (4) A. time B. money C. attraction D. joy
              (5) A. aimless B. hopeless C. bored D. worried
              (6) A. crops B. materials C. writers D. suppliers
              (7) A. Confused B. Disappointed C. Relaxed D. Delighted
              (8) A. directions B. examples C. schedules D. descriptions
              (9) A. ambiguous B. accurate C. attractive D. useful
              (10) A. smoothly B. quickly C. wrong D. unexpected
              (11) A. courage B. practice C. energy D. effort
              (12) A. boiled B. tasted C. abandoned D. burned
              (13) A. gradually B. eventually
              C. appropriately D. particularly
              (14) A. delights B. experiences C. dreams D. classes
              (15) A. enjoyed B. barbecued C. mastered D. rejected
              (16) A. upset B. calmed C. shocked D. bothered
              (17) A. dry B. fry C. cool D. mix
              (18) A. two B. several C. casual D. simple
              (19) A. tendency B. arrangement C. agenda D. recipe
              (20) A. aims B. procedures C. skills D. rules.
            • 7. Germany is a highly developed country.Many people think its people lead a luxurious (奢侈的) life.
              One day,my friend and I (1) a restaurant.We noticed that a young couple was having their meal.There were (2) two dishes and two cans of beer on their table.I wondered if such a(n) (3) meal could be fine and whether the girl would leave that (4) man.
              As we were (5) ,my friend ordered more food for us.When we left,there was still about one third of the food we had ordered on the table.
              When we were leaving,the young man spoke to us in English.We (6) that he was unhappy about us (7) so much food."We paid for our food.It is none of your (8) how much food we left behind,"my friend told him.The young man was so angry that he (9) took his phone out and made a call to someone.
              After a while,an officer fromthe Social Security Organization (社会保障组织) arrived.Upon knowing what had happened,he gave us a€50fine (罚款),which (10) us.
              The officer told us in a (11) voice," (12) is yours but resources (资源) belong to society.There are many(53 ) ______ people in the world who are(54 ) ______ hunger.We have no (13) to waste resources."
              Their attitude to eating put both of us to( 56) ______ .We need to correct our wrong(57 ) ______ .We are from a country which is not very rich.To save face,we often think we should order more than we can eat,which (14) our friends our generosity (慷慨).We should realize that resources don"t belong to a(n) (15) person but they belong to everyone.We can"t (16) to waste them.

            • 8. In 1989, an 8.2 earthquake hit America, which killed over 30,000 people. A father left his wife (1) at home and rushed to the school where his son was (2) to be, only to discover that the building was as (3) as a pancake.
              Seeing this, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: "No matter what happens, I"ll always be there for you!" Tears began to (4) his eyes. As he looked at the pile (堆) of (5) that once was the school, it looked (6) , but he kept remembering his words to his son.
              He began to pay attention to the place where he had (7) his son to class before. Remembering his son"s classroom had been in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging (8) the ruins.
              Other (9) parents tried to stop him from entering the very place (10) was once his son"s school, saying, "It"s dangerous and it"s too late! They are all dead! Go home! There"s nothing you can do! "
              To each parent the father replied, "Are you going to help me now?" And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief (消防队长) (11) and said, "Fires are bursting out. You"re in danger. Go home." To the fire chief, this loving, (12) American father asked, "Are you going to help me?"
              He went on (13) . He dug for 8 hours…12 hours…24 hours…36 hours….Then, in the 38 th hour, he heard his son"s (14) . He screamed out his son"s name, "ARMAND!" He heard back, "Dad?! It"s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive you would save us. You promised no matter what happens, you"ll always be there for me! You did (15) , Dad! "

            • 9.
              Footracing(竞走)is a popular activity in the United States. It is not only seen as a competitive sport, but also as a  41  to exercise. Though   42   runners may spend months training to compete, other runners and walkers  43 not train at all.   44  not competing to win might run in an effort to beat their own time, or  45  to enjoy the fun and exercise. People of all  46  , from those less than one year old to those in their 80s,  47  into this sport. The races are held on city streets, on college campuses,  48  parks, and in suburban areas, and commonly 5 to 1 0 kilometers in  49  .
                   The largest footrace in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers  50   that is held in San Francisco every spring. This race  51   on the east side of the city near San Francisco Bay and ends on the  52  side at the Pacific Ocean. In 1993 there were 80,000 people   53   in this race through the streets and hills of San Francisco. In the  54  are the serious runners who compete to win, and  55 might finish in as little as 34 minutes. Behind them   56  the thousands who take several hours to finish. In the back of the race are those who wear various clothing just for  57  . There was a group of firefighters who were all  58   in a long line and were carrying a fire—hose(消防水龙带). One year there was a wedding  59  , in which the bride dressed in a long white gown and the groom wore a tuxedo(晚礼服). They  60  flowers to by-standers, and were actually married at some point along the route.
              (1) A. plan            B. design                       
              C. approach                         D. way
              (2) A. serious          B. amateur                     
              C. famous                     D. ordinary
              (3) A. must            B. could                       
              C. might                       D. should
              (4) A. Others           B. These                      
              C. Those                      D. Ones
              (5) A. finally           B. simply                     
              C. partly                            D. certainly
              (6) A. ages            B. walks                      
              C. sorts                        D. nations
              (7) A. turn             B. look                      
              C. break                       D. enter
              (8) A. across          B. over                        
              C. through                     D. on
              (9) A. size             B. length                            
              C. depth                       D. height
              (10) A. race            B. city                         
              C. ground                           D. ceremony
              (11) A. holds            B. goes                        
              C. begins                            D. carries
              (12) A. north            B. south                     
              C. east                        D. west
              (13) A. singing         B. helping                     
              C. watching                   D. running
              (14) A. beginning             B. front                       
              C. course                       D. process
              (15) A. who            B. what                       
              C. which                      D. as
              (16) A. stay            B. fall                        
              C. are                          D. is
              (17) A. fun             B. medal                      
              C. win                         D. prize
              (18) A. wrapped        B. followed                    
              C. separated                   D. tied
              (19) A. dinner         B. party                      
              C. day                        D. invitation
              (20) A. sold                  B. presented                   
              C. threw                      D. donated
            • 10.
              You had better learn to be grateful.If you are grateful,you naturally          . yourself up to receive all kinds of blessings and good things in life.You can receive almost everything you want        .If you want recovery soon,start by feeling grateful that you are still          .If it is more money that you want,start being grateful for whatever         of money you already have.
              You see,showing gratitude(感恩) is the key to every           thing in life.It is the key to successful relationships,it is the key to successful futures and it is the key to         healthier and happier lives.And this is where the importance of being grateful lies.        ,it makes life better.
              One of my favorite          is “If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have,you will find yourself having more to appreciate.” Think about that!
              Something as         as a “Thank you for being in my life” or “I       having you here with me”,can go a long way.It will make the other person feel good,and          it also will make you feel better!
              So maybe your wife is not very          around the house,but she’s great at cooking your favorite          .Or,maybe your child           milk all over your new shirt right before you walked out the door for work,but usually he makes you laugh so much and makes you           the luckiest parent in the world.
              I strongly        you to make a promise to yourself for the next week.Decide to          .every morning and think of at least 5 things that you are       .for.Then say them out loud. You will notice a smile on your face without even     .  .In 30 days you will feel completely renewed. This is the           .of being grateful!

              (1) A. open B. make C. stand D. take
              (2) A. easily B. correctly C. truly D. clearly
              (3) A. lovely B. alive C. lively D. living
              (4) A. amount B. number C. kind D. plenty
              (5) A. terrible B. negative C. positive D. confusing
              (6) A. leading B. taking C. enjoying D. looking
              (7) A. Therefore B. Besides C. Anyway D. In a word
              (8) A. mottos B. rules C. habits D. word
              (9) A. pleasant B. wonderful C. short D. moving
              (10) A. want B. look forward to C. appreciate D. would like
              (11) A. for sure B. in general C. instead of D. in addition
              (12) A. lazy B. beautiful C. careless D. organized
              (13) A. vegetables B. dishes C. beef D. drinks
              (14) A. painted B. stopped C. spilled D. threw
              (15) A. become of B. feel like C. act as D. look like
              (16) A. persuade B. advise C. demand D. suggest
              (17) A. dress up B. make up C. get up D. wake up
              (18) A. grateful B. concerned C. anxious D. upset
              (19) A. pretending B. looking C. trying D. smiling
              (20) A. disadvantage B. power C. award D. consequences
