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            • 1. One day,I heard an American boy say to a Chinese student of English,“You speak very good English.”But the student answered,“No,no.My English is very poor.”The foreigner was quite  _____(surprise)at the answer.

              What’s wrong with the student’s answer? He didn’t accept the compliment in____same way as the American people do.He should say“Thank you”instead of“No”.He _____(real) understood what the American boy had said,____he thought he should be modest.In the west,people will feel proud and confident when they____(praise).So if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious,you should say“Thank you”.If someone says to a woman“You look so____(beauty)with the new clothes on”,she must be very happy and say“Thank you”.

              If you are modest and say“No,I'm afraid I can’t do it well”while _____(work)in a western country,the others may think that you really cannot do it.If you often say“No”,you will certainly be looked down upon by others.If asking_____a job,one says something like“Yes,I can certainly do it” instead of Let me have a try he or she will hope ____(get)it. So in the west,you should be brave to show your_____(confident)!

            • 2. After a long week, Sunday is the perfect day to sit down with family, relax, and enjoy  1

              very specific dinner: Sunday roast. This is the British name for a traditional dinner on Sundays. Britons  2__ (eat) Sunday roasts for centuries. In the old days, people had to go to church on Sunday. Afterwards, people would be hungry. So families would get together to eat a big meal.

              So what is this  3  (taste) dish made of? Sunday dinner usually has roast meat, usually chicken or beef, crispy roast potatoes,  4  (fresh) boiled vegetables, and finally Yorshire pudding. This is a pidding made of batter and is a staple of the Sunday roast.

              What if you don’t have any of the ingredients(原料)  5  (make) the traditional dinner?  6  to worry. In Britain, there are special restaurants, called carveries,  7  you can eat a Sunday roast. The name “carvery” comes from the act of carving the meat into slices, before putting them on a plate.

                 Besides the delicious food on the plate, this meal is a great time  8  families. This is the time of the week when parents and children will sit down and tell each other about their week at work or school.

                 With many traditions  9  (fade) into the background, traditional Sunday dinners are as strong as ever. And I have the feeling  10  this traditional cuisine will be on British dinner tables for decades to come.

            • 3.

              “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

              First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal(丑闻)showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

              Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

              To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

              _____   _____    _____    _____    _____     _____    _____   _____     _____   _____ 

            • 4.

              “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

              First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal(丑闻)showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

              Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

              To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

               _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____     _____   _____   _____  _____ 

            • 5.

              This year, according to the last World Happiness Report, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden have been ranked as the five happiest countries in the world. So why are these countries so happy? Well, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC), the Netherlands was ranked as one of the best countries for jobs. Nearly 75% of residents have jobs to do, but they rarely work very long hours, which gives them more time at home to spend with their families. 94% of residents claim if they were ever in trouble, they would be confident in knowing they can turn to someone close to them for help at any time. In this country, colleges and universities are free, and young adults are given the opportunity to pick a career they’re passionate about.

              People of Switzerland value good work ethics(道德规范)and pride themselves on their ability to save money and spend wisely. Of all the OECD countries, Switzerland has the highest employment rate of 79% for people aged 18 to 65 and the average income per household is around $30,000. Citizens of Switzerland claim they tend to have happier thoughts and experiences over negative ones on a daily basis and feel entirely satisfied with their way of life.

              In Denmark, the government tries to ensure its residents are happy and healthy. If you lose your job, the government is there to support you for up to four years, covering up to 90% of your expense. In a nation of over five million people, healthcare is free. Its citizens go to college for free and are offered financial aid every month, even if they live at home with their parents. A third of Denmark’s residents ride their bikes to get around, making it one of the most environmentally conscious nations.

              Of all the nations measured, people in Sweden are among the healthiest. This might have something to do with their incredible air and water quality. Residents in Sweden enjoy around five weeks of paid vacation from work each year and understand the importance of spending time with their families. With the free education system, young people are given the chance to decide their future and pursue the career they want.

              In Norway, people can attend college for free. People of Norway claim they can trust almost anyone and are continually happy with their life choices. The employment rate in Norway is around 75% with a gross(粗略的)pay of $44,000 for full-time employees. If a mother chooses to stay home with her pre-school aged child, she’ll receive a monthly stipend (津贴) from the government to help support her. Norwegians care much about one another and often treat tourists and visitors in a very warm manner, making them feel at home. Freedom of expression is highly valued in this country and they strive to treat everyone fairly.

              Five Happiest Countries

              Paragraph outlines

              Supporting details

              The Netherlands

              l  Most citizens have jobs and their (86) ______________ working time allows them to spend time with their families.

              l  Nearly all its citizens are (87) ______________.

              l  Young adults can have (88) ______________ to free education and find their jobs easily.


              l  People feel (89) ______________ that they can save money and spend wisely.

              l  Its high employment rate ensures every family has a high income.

              l  People are quite pleased with their (90) ______________.


              l  (91) ______________ people will get much financial aid from the government..

              l  People can enjoy free healthcare and college education.

              l  There is strong environmental (92) ______________ among people.


              l  People are (93) ______________ because here air and water are of high quality.

              l  People enjoy about five weeks of paid vacation from work each year and they (94)______________ family time.

              l  Young people can attend school for free and have the chance to decide their future.


              l  A full-time mother with a pre-school aged child can get a monthly stipend from the government.

              l  There are harmonious interpersonal relationships in this country.

              l  People are allowed to express themselves (95) ______________.

            • 6.

              Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

               (1) Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide a good, regular time for studying. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

               (2) Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

               (3) Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

               (4) Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material in advance. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

               (5) Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly worried.

              There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

              How to become a better student

              General method

              How to


              Plan your time carefully

              Make a list

              Force you to realize(76) ____ is happening to your time

              Make a (71) ______

              Find a good place to study

              Free of everything but study (72) ______

              You can (77) ______on the subject

              Make good use of your time in class

              Listen to everything the teachers say

              Really listening in class means (78) ______ work later

                  Taking (73) ______

              Study regularly

              Go over your notes

                  Help you (79) _____it better , remember it longer

              (74) ______ new material

              Develop a good attitude about tests

              Don’t be (75) ______ worried

              Remember your new

              (80) ______

            • 7.

                Lead poisoning occurs when lead is presented in high level in the blood of a person.It is the most common medical problem found in children.And it's important to recognize the presence of lead in a child’s body because lead is very harmful.

                  Children have the tendency to go around and put things in their mouth like paint.This is one of the main causes of lead poisoning.I also have found that children born in poor farmilies have higher chances of getting exposed to lead.Lead can also be found in old water pipes and food and juice cans.

                  Some of the common symptoms of lead poisoning in children are headaches,stomach pain,hair loss,muscle weakness,weight loss,ect.

                  Lead poisoning can have severe effects and can lead to head diseases,kidney diseases and other problems.It can also result in mental retardation and low I.Q.level.There have been cases where lead poisoning proves to be deadly for the child.

                  It’s difficult to recognize whether a child is affected with lead poisoning easily,as the symptoms of this disease can occur due to some other medical problems.Therefore,children under the age of 6 should regularly be checked to know the level of lead in their blood,through blood test.It’s possible to completely cure a child with lead poisoning through treatment.Usually,oral medicines are given to the child,while sometimes,they’re injected for reducing the lead level.Children who have very high level of lead in their blood would need treatment for a long period of time and would also be put on a special diet.

                  Parents have to take certain measures to lower the chance of lead poisoning in children.Cleaning the house regularly and removing shoes at the door,after coming from outside,will prevent the lead particles(微粒)from entering the house.Children should be put on a healthy diet,containing high proportions(比例)of calcium and iron,such as eggs,milk,fruits,potatoes,ect.which helps to keep the lead level in control,in the child’s body.In short,parents should be careful and protect their children from the horrible consequences of lead poisoning.

              Lead Poisoning in Children

            • 8.

              Jimmy:  Alice, how was your journey to the countryside?

              Alice:   Wonderful. We   1   (enjoy) beautiful sights and food in the country.

              Jimmy:  Food? Did you have   2   big dinner in the countryside? What have you had?

              Alice:   It was not a big dinner at all,   3   there were a lot of foods which only can be eaten in the local place, such  4  some wild vegetables.

              Jimmy:  Oh, I see. Did you do anything   5  ?

              Alice:   Yes. We got   6   well with the villagers and sent pens and books we carried to the poor students.

              Jimmy:  That is really great! I think they must study harder with your help.

              Alice:   It is far from enough.   7   (actual), I felt a little sad as soon as I saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.

              Jimmy:  Why do you have this kind of feeling?

              Alice:   As far as I am   8    (concern), these things are nothing for the children who live in our city.

              Jimmy:  You are right. We can do more for the children living in that area.

              Alice:   Yes. Many of us who went to the place   9   (plan) to give more help to the children.

              Jimmy:  Can you tell me what you are going to do?

              Alice:   We are going to buy a number of books and donate   10   to the local school.

              Jimmy:  It is a good idea. I am entirely willing to join you.

              Alice:   It’s very kind of you.

            • 9.

              It is sad but true ___61___ people die in earthquakes from falling furniture(家具) and bricks. Earthquake ___62___ (safe) is very important and there is more to it than just keeping buildings ____63___ falling down. So if your home is in ___64__ earthquake area, you should prepare carefully before the earthquake ___65____(come).

               First, make sure you buy a house which is earthquake safe, all pipes should be fixed to the wall and all walls should be especially thick and strong, you also have to make sure that there are bolts underneath your house. They are one of the most important ways of protecting a house. Make sure the building has no ____66__ (break) windows and is well repaired.

               Second, look at the objects in your house. Those in the living room, _____67___ are the most likely to hurt us, are computers, televisions and lamps. They can be tied to tables or stuck to them so they won’t _____68__(easy) move around. The kitchen, which is also very ____69____(danger), must have strong doors on all the cupboards. This is the place where many small things are stored that might fall down. The water heater should have a case round it too. Windows are a special problem. When they break, glass can cause many accidents. It is better to use safety glass if you can, especially for pictures.

               Always remember: “It is ___70_____(good) to be safe than sorry.”

            • 10. Nelson Mandela, (1)__________was born on July 18, 1918, is(2)___________  first black president of South (3)___________(African). He wanted to be a  (4)______(law) after he left university. In 1944 he formed the ANC (5) __________(young) League. Then in 1952 he set up a law office to help poor black people. Because( 6)____________  fighting (7)____________ the government and anti-black laws, he was (8)____________(sentence) to five years hard labor. Fighters from ANC began to  blow  up buildings in 1963 and he was put in prison on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years (9)____________,he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was (10)____________(make) president and the government by and for black people was  set up. Nelson Mandela is a great man.
