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            • 1.

              Color is fundamental in home design﹣something you'll always have in every room. A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you'll love to live in. Do you want a room that's full of life? Professional? Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?   (1)  , color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.

                  Over the years, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point.  (2)  ,they can get a little complex. But good news is that there're really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones.

                    (3)  . They're the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.

                  Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas, dinner tables or bookshelves.   (4)  . They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.

                  The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors. Whether you're looking at wallpaper or paint, the time, effort and relative expense put into it are significant.   (5)  

              (1) A. While all of them are useful

              B. Whatever you're looking for

              C. If you're experimentmg with a color

              D. Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with

              E. It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

              F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

              G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways

              (2) A. While all of them are useful

              B. Whatever you're looking for

              C. If you're experimentmg with a color

              D. Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with

              E. It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

              F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

              G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways

              (3) A. While all of them are useful

              B. Whatever you're looking for

              C. If you're experimentmg with a color

              D. Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with

              E. It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

              F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

              G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways

              (4) A. While all of them are useful

              B. Whatever you're looking for

              C. If you're experimentmg with a color

              D. Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with

              E. It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

              F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

              G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways

              (5) A. While all of them are useful

              B. Whatever you're looking for

              C. If you're experimentmg with a color

              D. Small color choices are the ones we're most familiar with

              E. It's not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces

              F. So it pays to be sure, because you want to get it right the first time

              G. Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways

            • 2.

              Before there was the written word, there was the language of dance. Dance expresses love and hate, joy and sorrow ,life and death, and everything else in between.

                    (1)  We dance from Florida to Alaska, from north to south and sea to sea. We dance at weddings, birthdays , office parties and just to fill the time.

                  “I adore dancing,” says Lester Bridges, the owner of a dance studio in Iowa. “I can't imagine doing anything else with my life." Bridges  runs dance classes for all ages. "Teaching dance is wonderful.   (2)  It's great to watch them. For many of them, it's a way of meeting people and having a social life."

                    (3)  "I can tell you about one young couple," says Bridges. “They're learning to do traditional dances. They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.   (4)  

                  So, do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better, calmer, healthier? Andrea Hillier says,“Dance, like the pattern of a beating heart, is life. Even after all these years, I want to get better and better.  (5)   I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me I'm alive."

              (1) A. So why do we dance?

              B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

              C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

              D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

              E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

              F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

              G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

              (2) A. So why do we dance?

              B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

              C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

              D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

              E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

              F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

              G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

              (3) A. So why do we dance?

              B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

              C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

              D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

              E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

              F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

              G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

              (4) A. So why do we dance?

              B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

              C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

              D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

              E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

              F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

              G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

              (5) A. So why do we dance?

              B. Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.

              C. If you like dancing outdoors, come to America.

              D. My older students say it makes them feel young.

              E. I keep practicing even When I'm extremely tired.

              F. Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.

              G. They stayed up all night long singing and dancing.

            • 3.

                  Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you're trying to get work done. ____  (1)  ____, there are several ways to handle things. Let's take a look at them now.

                  ____  (2)  ____. Tell the person you're sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.

                  When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you'll find them then. ____  (3)  ____. It can help to eliminate(消除) future interruptions.

                  When you need to talk to someone, don't do it in your own office. ____  (4)  ___, it's much easeier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are.

                  If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. ____  (5)  ____. If someone knocks and it's not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you're busy so they can get the hint (暗示) that when the door is closed, you're not to be disturbed.

              (1) A. If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

              B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work

              C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

              D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

              E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available

              F. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

              G. Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not

              (2) A. If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

              B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work

              C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

              D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

              E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available

              F. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

              G. Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not

              (3) A. If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

              B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work

              C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

              D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

              E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available

              F. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

              G. Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not

              (4) A. If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

              B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work

              C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

              D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

              E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available

              F. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

              G. Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not

              (5) A. If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no

              B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work

              C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

              D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area

              E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available

              F. It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

              G. Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not

            • 4.

              A.account  B.adjustable  C.appliances  D.capture  E.decorations  F.direct  G.experiment  H.intended  I.operated  J.soulless  K.squeeze


              Golden Rules of Good Design

              What makes good design?Over the years,designers and artists have been trying to (1) the essentials of good design.They have found that some sayings can help people understand the ideas of good design.There are four as follows.

              Less is more.This saying is associated with the German﹣born architect Mies van der Rohe.In his Modernist view,beauty lies in simplicity and elegance,and the aim of the designer is to create solutions to problems through the most efficient means.Design should avoid unnecessary (2)    More is not a bore.The American﹣born architect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly,the result is (3) design.Post﹣Modernist designers began to (4) with decoration and color again.Product design was heavily influenced by this view and can be seen in kitchen (5) such as ovens and kettles.

              Fitness for purpose.Successful product design takes into consideration a product’s function,purpose,shape,form,color,and so on.The most important result for the user is that the product does what is (6).For example,think of a(n)(7)desk lamp.It needs to be constructed from materials that will stand the heat of the lamp and regular adjustments by the user.It also needs to be stable.Most importantly,it needs to (8) light where it is needed.

              From follows emotion.This phrase is associated with the German designer Hartmut Esslinger.He believes design must take into (9) he sensory side of our nature﹣sight,smell,touch and taste.These are as important as rational(理性的)thinking.When choosing everyday products such as toothpaste,we appreciate a cool﹣looking device that allows us to easily (10) the toothpaste onto our brush.

            • 5.

              Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries. (1) In general,they can expect to live six or seven years more than men.One reason for this is biological.

              One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and women.(2) Between the ages of about 12and 50,women produce hormones that are involved in fertility(生育能力).These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and blood flow.In fact,women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.

               (3)They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections.This means that women generally ger sick less often and less seriously than men.The common cold is a good example:women,on average,get fewer colds than men.(4)Scientists are still not exactly sure how genes influence aging,but they believe that they do.Some think that a woman’s body cells have a tendency(向) to age more slowly than a man’s.Others think that a man’s body cells have a tendency to age more quickly.(5)

              (1) A. However,women,on average,live longer.
              B. The biological factor plays an important part.
              C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F. Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
              (2) A. However,women,on average,live longer.
              B. The biological factor plays an important part.
              C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F. Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
              (3) A. However,women,on average,live longer.
              B. The biological factor plays an important part.
              C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F. Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
              (4) A. However,women,on average,live longer.
              B. The biological factor plays an important part.
              C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F. Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
              (5) A. However,women,on average,live longer.
              B. The biological factor plays an important part.
              C. Women are also helped by their female genes.
              D. The female hormones also protect the body in another way.
              E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.
              F. Therefore,women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.
              G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body functions.
