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            • 1.

                Many people believe that dogs should not be kept in large cities. They say that pet dogs should be banned because they are dangerous to man since they carry diseases and that they attack people especially young children.   (1)   For example, they eat large quantities of food that could go to feed the poor and the starving of the world. What's more, many people spend large amounts of money on their dogs, even buying them beds and toys,taking them to doctors when they are sick, burying them in pet cemeteries when they die.   (2)  

                  However I disagree with these arguments. Many animals carry diseases not just dogs. In fact people carry more dangerous diseases than dogs.   (3)   And if they are it is because they have attacked or frightened the dog. As for money spent on dogs, what people do with their money is their own business. Finally there will always be the poor in the world.

                Let us now look at why dogs are good animals.   (4)   They can also help the police to search for drugs and explosives (炸药). In addition, dogs are able to save people's lives after an earthquake when they are buried under fallen buildings. What's more, dogs are used to protect property (财产) as well as women and children.   (5)  

                 For all these reasons I believe that pet dogs should not be banned from cities.

              (1) A. They are used by the police to catch criminals.
              B. What's more, very few people are attacked by dogs.
              C. Finally dogs are used to guide the blind in the streets.
              D. Some owners even leave them their money when they die.
              E. The British spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves!
              F. In addition, they are of the opinion that dogs are expensive to keep.
              G. Many dogs are deserted by their owners when they get tired of them.
              (2) A. They are used by the police to catch criminals.
              B. What's more, very few people are attacked by dogs.
              C. Finally dogs are used to guide the blind in the streets.
              D. Some owners even leave them their money when they die.
              E. The British spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves!
              F. In addition, they are of the opinion that dogs are expensive to keep.
              G. Many dogs are deserted by their owners when they get tired of them.
              (3) A. They are used by the police to catch criminals.
              B. What's more, very few people are attacked by dogs.
              C. Finally dogs are used to guide the blind in the streets.
              D. Some owners even leave them their money when they die.
              E. The British spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves!
              F. In addition, they are of the opinion that dogs are expensive to keep.
              G. Many dogs are deserted by their owners when they get tired of them.
              (4) A. They are used by the police to catch criminals.
              B. What's more, very few people are attacked by dogs.
              C. Finally dogs are used to guide the blind in the streets.
              D. Some owners even leave them their money when they die.
              E. The British spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves!
              F. In addition, they are of the opinion that dogs are expensive to keep.
              G. Many dogs are deserted by their owners when they get tired of them.
              (5) A. They are used by the police to catch criminals.
              B. What's more, very few people are attacked by dogs.
              C. Finally dogs are used to guide the blind in the streets.
              D. Some owners even leave them their money when they die.
              E. The British spend more on their dogs than they do on themselves!
              F. In addition, they are of the opinion that dogs are expensive to keep.
              G. Many dogs are deserted by their owners when they get tired of them.
            • 2. 请以Never give up为题,结合自己的生活经历,谈谈你对它的理解。




            • 3. 近年来,随着电子书的普及,越来越多的人开始青睐电子书。但是电子书也存在着一些问题。请用英语写一篇短文陈述你的观点,指出电子书存在的问题,并给出适当的解决办法。


            • 4. 如今,我们身边不乏“低头族”。他们在与朋友聚会,家人团聚或乘坐交通工具时,常常低头忙于浏览手机。请简要描述此现象,并发表你的看法。


              The phenomenon that people are always phubbing is becoming more and more popular.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

            • 5. 假设你是中华中学学生姚平,最近参加了一项研究性学习调研,课题为“父母是否以子女为荣”.通过调研你校学生及其父母,结果发现双方对此问题的看法有差异(数据如图所示).根据图表写一份报告,在报告中,你必须:



            • 6.




              大约60% 的学生








              Recently a debate entitled “The economy or the environment --- must we choose?” has been carried out in our school. The results are as follows.


            • 7. 下面这幅图展现了小明在放学路上因公交车故障欲向路人借手机联系父母的情景。请根据你对这幅图的理解用英语写一篇短文向《中学生英文报社会热点栏目》投稿。

              1 简要描述图片内容;

              2 结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想。


              1 可根据图片提示及内容要点进行适当发挥;

              2 词数150左右。开头己经写好,不计入总词数。

              3 参考词汇:骗子、诈骗——fraud。


              To help or not to help, that is a question we are facing these days. Recently the case of Xiaoming has again aroused a heated discussion. ______________________________________


            • 8.

              71 . 友善是中华民族的传统美德,也是社会主义核心价值观(core socialist values)对每个公民的道德规范要求之一。请根据图片内容按要求用英语写一篇短文。






              1. 标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数

              2. 词数150左右

              Kindness in everyone

              As can be seen from the picture, it is hard for the old granny to walk alone with her stick. However, when someone comes to help her,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

            • 9.

              71 . 最近,上海博物馆宣布免费开放。消息传出,博物馆每天被闻讯涌来的上万名游客挤得近乎“爆棚”。这一现象引发了各方的热烈讨论:博物馆该不该免费开放?下图是某网站进行的一次社会调查,请你根据图示用英语给该网站的英语栏目写一篇短文介绍调查结果,并为三种不同的意见拟写各自的理由。

              注意: (1). 词数150左右(文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数);

              (2). 可以有适当发挥,以使行文连贯。

              Recently a survey entitled “Should museums be free to the public?” has been conducted to find out people’s attitudes towards this question.


            • 10. 近年来全球血多国家对公共场所吸烟限制越来越严:从2007年1月1日起,我国香港地区室内全面禁烟。针对这个问题,你班同学组织一场辩论会,请你根据下表内容,以“Ban Smoking in Public Places?”为题,写一篇短文,客观介绍双方的不同观点。



              Ban Smoking in Public Places?

              Smoking bans can be seen in public places in many countries.




