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            • 1.

              Computer addiction can be described as the overuse of the computer which continues despite serious negative consequences for personal, social or occupational functions. However, not all people who spend hours each day on the computer are considered addicted. There are many uses for computers and the Internet and in many cases, an individual may spend 6 or more hours in a day on the computer but still not be considered an addict. Therefore, there is no set number of hours that is considered a potential for computer addiction.

              But those who are suffering from anxiety and depression caused by stress at work, relationships or financial problems tend to become computer addicts. Some people become addicted mainly because they feel bored with everything and feel like there is nothing else to do.

              If one feels an intense desire to go online, play a computer game, or socialize as soon as he wakes up and before he goes to bed, he may have become an addict. Other symptoms include using the computer as the only source of entertainment, lying to his family and friends about the activities that he performs while on the computer. Some addicts possess anxious feelings when wanting to use the computer or knowing that time on the computer is limited. Others may lose track of time while on the computer and spend more time on it than intended. The computer can also be used as a form of escapism from reality.

              Excessive computer use may result in the lack of face-to-face social interaction and an increasing amount of time and money on hardware, software and computer-related activities. Computer addiction makes one neglect his work, school, or family obligations. He often fails at repeated efforts to control computer use. So it’s time to seek help for the sake of health.

              Counseling (心理辅导) or therapy can focus on treating underlying mental health conditions that caused the addiction such as anxiety, depression, social trauma or other conditions. Many different options for group or community support are available to assist those addicts. Just getting out and interacting with others can be very rewarding to the computer addict. Another method is to focus on new interests. For instance, a computer user might take part in a new gym membership, spend time at the movies with friends or go out for a walk. If a computer user does feel that he must go onto the computer, consider talking himself out of the computer use unless it is absolutely necessary. If he does go on the computer, he must make a plan for what he will do when on the computer, how long it will take and what time you will be off of the computer.

              Computer Addiction


              ●Computer addiction refers to the overuse of the computer(71)      of  serious negative consequences.

              ●There is no strict(72)      to the time spent on the computer as to computer addiction.

              (73)   ▲ 

              ●Being anxious and depressed because of the stress at work, relationships or financial problems.

              ●Showing no(74)      in anything except the computer.


              ●Having a strong desire to go online whether before going to bed or after waking u p.

              ●Having no sources of entertainment (75 )      than the computer.

              ●Feeling anxious when knowing that time on the computer is limited.

              ●Failing to manage their time on computer once they are (76)      to it.


              ●Spending less time on face-to-face interaction than that on the computer.

              ●Paying little (77)      to his work, school, or family responsibilities.

              ●Being unable to control computer use in (78)      of repeated efforts.


              ●Seeking counseling, therapy or support of a group or a community.

              ●Interacting with others face-to-face and having attention (79)      on new interests.

              ●Minimizing the amount of time spent on computer and making a specific plan if going on the computer is a (80)     .

            • 2.

                   "The dog ate my homework." "He started it." "Iˈm sick today." "Sheˈs not here." Children tell these lies frequently, often to avoid punishment, get rid of embarrassment or even protect someone. Even though children and adults seem to tell lies for the same reasons, childrenˈs lying tends to be thought more often as morally wrong, according to Wendy Gamble, a professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

                   Professor Gamble suggests, "A tendency (趋势) to lie or cheat will influence the way children form and maintain relationships with others. Honesty is the basis of effective communication and healthy relationships. Rather than dismiss all lies as bad, however, we should put these lies in social contexts and admit that some of them are common and frequently socially acceptable." She adds that parents need to discuss this issue in terms of when and to whom it might be appropriate to lie, instead of saying lying is absolutely wrong at any time.

                   In order to find out more about why children lie and how that fits into their social interactions, Professor Gamble studied both positive and negative types of lies among 98 school children in Tucson. All of the students participated voluntarily, with their parentsˈ permission.

                   Results from the study showed that truth-telling exceeded (超过) lying for all of the children, but they also showed lying increased with age, and that the lies were mostly told to benefit someone. Very few of them were meant to hurt someone.

                   Professor Gamble reminds us that these results are primary and that more studies are needed particularly to make sure parentsˈ roles in childrenˈs lying and determine the effects of cultural differences on childrenˈs lying. "Weˈd also like to study why some children continue to lie even when it does not seem to serve any purpose", Professor Gamble says, "And because the children in the study were mostly from middle—class backgrounds,the next step would be to look at cultural difierences."

              Title:Prolessor Gambleˈs studv on childrenˈs lying

            • 3.

              It’s another busy day for John. After a day of classes and a tiring soccer practice, he now has half an hour of free time to grab some dinner before rehearsal. He orders a large pizza with extra cheese and gobbles (狼吞虎咽) it down with time to spare. As he walks into the theater for rehearsal, John starts to feel nauseated (恶心的) and he has a burning feeling in the back of his throat. John can’ t understand what’s going on— he felt fine just a few minutes ago.

              Then, what on earth has happened to John? He has indigestion, a common digestive problem. Indigestion is just another name for an upset stomach. It usually happens when people eat too much or too fast, or certain food don’t agree with them. It might happen more often if you smoke, drink alcohol, or are stressed out, or don’t get enough sleep.

              Sometimes indigestion can be accompanied by heart burn. Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with your heart. It’s caused by stomach acid splashing up from the stomach and into the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. In addition to heartburn, if you have indigestion, you’ll probably have one or more of these signs like pain or burning in your upper stomach, uncontrollable burping(打嗝), and so on.

              Usually, indigestion only happens once in a while, like after eating certain foods that don’t agree with you. But you’ll want to see the doctor if you get indigestion even when the eating is just right or you’re exercising, and getting enough sleep. You may need to be examined or have stomach X- ray or other tests to make sure your indigestion is not a sign of another problem in your digestive system. Depending on what the doctor finds, you might need to make changes in your diet or take medicine.

              Some people can eat anything and never get an upset stomach. But others are more easily affected or upset by certain foods. If you discover you have a problem with particular foods, it’s best to limit them or skip them entirely. Besides avoiding problem foods, try to eat a few smaller meals instead of one or two really big ones. Find ways to reduce stress. Give your body a chance to digest food. Eat slowly and don’t eat a huge meal and immediately go to sports practice. Try to eat at least an hour before physical exercise, or eat afterwards. Well, you might still get indigestion once in a while, even if you follow these tips. But as long as your indigestion doesn’t go on for a long time or is not excessively painful, it’s probably nothing out of ordinary.



              ● John eats a large meal quickly before rehearsal.

              ● He feels (77) ________ in his stomach and throat after entering the theater.


              ● Someone overeats or eats too fast.

              ● Someone eats certain foods that (78) ________ with him or her.

              ● Indigestion can be also caused by a (n) (79) ________ lifestyle.

              Potential signs

              ● You sometimes suffer from heartburn meanwhile, which in fact has (80)________ to do with the heart.

              ● You burp or feel pain or have a (81) ________ feeling in your upper stomach.

              When to see a doctor

              ● See a doctor if you get indigestion even when you have a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits.

              ● Then to identify your indigestion, you may need further (82) ________.

              Preventive measures

              ● Stay away from foods that you are (83) ________ to.

              ● Eat less in more meals.

              ● Find ways to (84) ________.

              ● Eat slowly and ensure that your body has time to digest food.

              ● Don’t (85) ________ just before or after eating.

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