优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Tina : I usually get to school by bike, which form of transport do you prefer ______61._____(use)?

              Jim:  I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle, ___62.____ when I feel lazy, I drive my car.

              Tina: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars. They produce too much

                   ____63.____ (pollute), which does harm to our health.

              Jim:  I agree, but I would find __64._____ difficult to stop using my car. It’s just so convenient.

              Tina: Cars must be convenient, but they’re so bad for the environment. I once ___

              (1) ____(have) a car,

                   but I found I didn’t _____66.___ (real) need it when I started using my bicycle to get around.

              Jim:  Maybe if I sold my car now, I wouldn’t be so tempted to use it.

              Tina:  You could try. It would save you a lot of money.

              Jim:  That’s true. Every month, I spend hundreds of dollars on gas,____67.____(insure), and repairs.

              Tina:  If you get to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving, you

                    Will get lots of exercise, too! Besides, you know the more you ride your bicycle,

                     the ___68.___(little) pollution you’ll have.

              Jim:   You’re right. Having a car has made me lazy. I never end up ____69._____(walk) anywhere!

              Tina:  Let’s go to a car dealership. I’ll try to help you sell your car for _70.__   good price.

              Jim:  Sounds good!Let’s go!

