优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


            • 2.


              he would rather ________________________ than beg for his life.


              It’s not his custom to ______________________________________.

              (3)You __________________________ (本不应该开她的玩笑). You know she is a sensitive girl. (should have done)

              (4)At that time people would starve __________________________(如果食物难以找到).

              (5) The children seemed to be _____________________ (玩的开心)the snow; I hate to call them inside.

            • 3. 翻译句子

              1 如今,中国学英语的人的数量正急剧上升。(the number of )

              2 老师要我们充分利用每一个机会来提高自我。(ask sb. to do, make use of)

              3 我的好朋友问我是否学数学有困难。(have trouble in…)

              4 照相机在我们的生活中扮演着很重要的角色。(play a part in)

              5 我很感激我的合伙人对我的帮助。( be grateful to...)

            • 4. 你要记住,通常说来,考试的时候你越仔细,犯的错误就越少。(bear)
            • 5.


            • 6.


            • 7.

              It ___________ that the water was ______________.


            • 8.

              (1) The students can not enter the lab without the teacher’s ___________ (permit).

              (2)Since their parents ___________ (strong) disagree, they are unlikely to marry.

              (3) He ought to _______________ (attend) your birthday , but she had to look after her little brother.

              (4)At this moment , they saw a penniless young man ___________ (wander) at the pavement outside their house.

              (5) The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, ___________ accounts for my appearance.


              India has a national festival on October2 to honour Mohandas Gandi, the leader who help ___________ India’s ___________ from Britain.


              He could not have YongHui ___________ ___________ ___________ telling people lies.


              Perhaps he would be able to ___________ ___________ ___________ and not have to close his restaurant.


              They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which ___________ heat ___________ escaping from the earth into space.


               ___________ ___________ ___________ that a balanced diet plays an important part in people’s health.


              ___________ the dinosaurs suddenly ___________ still remains a mystery.

            • 9.


              He was o          ___________ the project and had no time for exercise.


              __________ __________ ___________ I went to see the movie Beauty and the Beast.


              He was __________ ___________ the danger of the task, but he still obeyed the order.


              Nobody likes to be ___________ ____________ ___________.


              The people on the island __________ __________ many old customs and traditions.


              As far as ___________ __________ ____________, voluntary work is very beneficial.


              She recognized the young man, __________ was ___________ __________ the position as a manager.


              __________ suddenly ___________ to me that she was lying.

            • 10.


              It won't                                                  us; make no mistake about it.

