优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              We won’t think of human clones and _________ any reason to suggest that we are closer to producing them today than we were yesterday.

              A.neither there is      
              B.neither there was     
              C.nor is there     
              D.nor was there
            • 2.


              1. 袁隆平是一位伟大的科学家,从他身上我们可以学到很多东西。

                 Dr. Yuan Longping is a great scientist, ________ ________ we can learn a lot.

              2. 没有人在事故中受伤。我们都微笑着松了口气。

                 No one was injured in the accident; we all smiled _______ ________.

              3. 这部电影非常感人,因为它是以真实故事为根据的。

              The film is very moving, because it _______ ________ ________ a real story.

              4. 敌人被迫投降。

              The enemy were forced _______ _______ ________.

              5. 他去年大学毕业。从那以后一直在我们公司上班。

                 He ________ ________ university last year and has been working in our company ________ _______.

              6. 我认为他无法胜任这个职务。

                 I don’t think he ______ _______ _______ the position.

              7. 我不确定她是否乐意见我们。

                 I’m not sure whether /if she would ______ _______ _______ meet us.

            • 3.

              Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion.

            • 4.

              (1)I often ____________ (梦想) traveling around the world when I was young. (dream)

              (2)You will ___________________(陷入麻烦) if you don’t watch out. (get)
              (3)Each writer’s writing style ________________(与…不同) that of another.(from)
              (4)The supply of our food almost _______________ (用完了)and we felt helpless.(out)

              (5) In his speech, he __________________(提及)a recent trip to Canada.(refer)

            • 5.

              有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来, 这点很好。

              Some films _________education ________recreation,which is very good.

            • 6.

              It’s recommended that parents ______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.

              A.not allow
              B.don’t allow
              C.mustn’t allow
              D.couldn’t allow
            • 7.

              At the top of the mountain________.

              A.lies a temple
              B.A temple lies
              C.does lie a temple
              D.does a temple lie
            • 8.


                                                                      get high scores or not as long as you study hard.

            • 9.

              (1) The theory is too complex for a 9-year-old boy. It is beyond his ______(理解).

              (2)The man __________ (承认) that he had hurt the boy by accident.

              (3) Many __________ (筋疲力尽的)passengers got off the plane which had been delayed for 24 hours.

              (4)Mays animals die of s__________  (饥饿)every year because their habitats have been destroyed.

              (5)Metals e________ when they are heated.

              (6) The hotel has its own pool and leisure f_________ .

              (7)She did a __________ (极好的)job in the final exam.

              (8)Because of the t___________ weather, we are not going out to exercise.

              (9) With winter a__________ ,he is eager to go to Xiling Snow Mountain to play with snow.

              (10) These students were ________(急切的)to know the result of the exam.

            • 10.

              这是我第一次没有对与英语有关的事物感到厌烦。(It is the first time that ...; get tired of)

