优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)That water pipe ________ (爆裂)and the house was under two feet of water.

              (2)Keep working hard and you’ll be ________(奖赏).

              (3) We show great respect for those who ________ (积极) take part in the sports meet.

              (4)There is no _______(疑问) that China has a vast history and heritage.

              (5)Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not ________(幸存).

            • 2.



              Luckily, we’d brought a road map,   (1)     (2)   we would have lost our way.


              I   (3)   the view that education should be a     (4)    to all.


                (4)   with difficulties, they never give up but try their best to find a     (6)       ___(7)_____.

               Her sudden resignation took us all   (5)     (6)   . (让…吃一惊)


              I f   (7)   that he wouldn’t come.

            • 3.

              One of the most frightening natural 61. ________ (disaster)is a violent earthquake. In 1976, there was a great earthquake 62. ________ (occur) in Tangshan, China. More than 240,000 people were killed and another 164,000 people were injured. About 90% of houses and buildings in Tangshan 63. ________ (destroy) as a result of it.

              (1) ________ is very difficult to predict when or where an earthquake will happen, 65. ________ you should be prepared ahead of time (提前). Do the following things 66. ________ (protect) yourself in the event of an earthquake.

              Drop to your hands and knees. Cover your head and neck with your arms. This position protects you 67. ________ falling and provides some protection for important organs (器官). If you can move 68. ________ (safe), search for cover under a strong desk or table. Hold on to any strong shelter until the shaking stops. Stay away from glass, windows, and things 69. ________ could fall.

              Do not go out of 70. ________ building during the shaking. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings try to leave.

              Do not use the elevators.

            • 4. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。
              Today I visited the Smiths-my first time visit to a American family. They live in a small town. It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. . The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. They offered I coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing together. They anxious to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year.
            • 5.

              One morning I sat on a bench in a park and watched a little boy 56.     (run)freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance away. The boy would fall to the grass,get up,

              and without looking back 57     his mother,run as fast as he could as if nothing had happened.

                When the kid fell down,he didn't think of the fall as 58     failure. Instead,he considered 59___ a learning experience. He tried and tried again 60___ he succeeded. I 61 ___(touch)by the boy's strong mind and the way he ran. With each attempt,he looked so 62___(confidence) and natural. He only wanted to run freely and to do it as well as he could. He was just being a child,just being himself,being completely in the moment. He never 63_____(give)up. Each time he fell,he got himself back up again, as if he knew that falling down was simply a part of life. He was not looking for others' 64_____ (smile),or worrying about whether someone was watching or not. He only wanted to run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely. I learned a lot from that experience,and have 65____ (success)brought that lesson with me in many parts of my life.

            • 6.


              (1) The boss asked him to take c       of the office for a few days while she was away. (2) The director won't see you unless you have an            (约见). (3) It's            (违法的). for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain. (4) If you h          too long, you will miss the opportunity. (5) The traffic accidents in the city           (减少) last year. (6) We need a foreign policy that is more          (灵活的). (7) The twins are so much alike that you could scarcely d         them. (8) The girl who won the scholarship was quite             (杰出的). (9) I was            (习惯) to take a walk before breakfast. (10) The memory of his mother            (启发) him to write his greatest poetry.
            • 7.


              In the         , they could see the misty cloud that           from the great Niagara Falls.

            • 8.

              (1) He was a great athlete , who was a_________a good medal in the Olympis Games.

                 (2)He saved a drowning girl, so we all a___________him for his courage.

                 (3)I don’t mind a__________ to others if I make a mistake.

                 (4)To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their s_________ and weaknesses.

                 (5)If you don’t know the word, you may c_________ the dictionary.

                 (6)A good education will be of b_______ to our growth.

                 (7)If time p__________, I want to go to Beijing for a visit.

                 (8)He was careless, which a________ for the accident.

                 (9)The next morning Henry had just given himself up for lost when he was s________ by a ship.

                (10)The woman’s illness p__________ the doctor, he couldn’t find the cause.

            • 9.

              (1)He _______________ (live) in Beijing ever since he graduated from Peking University.

              (2) Every year a great many people visit the temple _______________ (date) from the 12th century.

              (3) _____________ (honest), I don’t think it makes sense to stay up late.

              (4)The reason why he resigned was ______________ he was in a poor state of health.

              (5)China has always insisted that big countries should be equal ____________ small ones.

              (6)There is plenty of rain in the southeast _____________ there is little in the northwest.

              (7) By the time the tornado ended, more than 1000 people ___________________ (kill).

              (8) I went to see my friend only ___________________ (tell) that he had moved to Shanghai.

              (9) The professor as well as his assistants___________ (be) doing experiments in the lab now.

              (10) Hainan province _________________ (locate) in the south of China.

              (11)After about half an hour their _______________ (argue) came to an end.

              (12)His parents died when he was young and he _______________ (bring) up by his grandparents.

              (13)His explanation made it easy for us ___________________ (understand) the poem.

              (14)The police found that he was ________________ (connect) with the accident.

              (15)The city _____________ I was born is known for its beautiful scenery.

            • 10.


              (1) All the grasses on the playground are not real. They are a________. (2) Lack of water and sunshine will affect the plant’s_________(grow) (3) I can’t find my keys anywhere — they’ve completely ________ (appear) (4) She d________ her toe into the pool to see how cold it was. (5) Between Jinjiang and Quanzhou there is a r________ bus service, about one every half an hour. (6) Last winter it was e________ cold and many of their sheep froze to death. (7) Our English teacher is satisfied with our ________ (perform) in the final exam. (8) The company is working on a new product in_________(combine) with several overseas partners. (9) The place was t________ from a quiet farming village into a busy port. (10) No one can enter the room without ________ (permit).
