优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              She is s              from a bad cold, and I’m afraid we can’t call on her

              at the moment.

            • 2.

              A:Did you watch the CCTV news yesterday?

              B:No. Anything56 __________(interest)

              A:Absolutely. At present, a new town named “ Silk Town”57 _______________(build) near our school.

              B:Really? What for?

              A: Well, silk has so long a history in Huzhou 58__________ it has a great effect on people’s life. However, silk        industry has fallen down in the past decades,59 ________ which people feel sorry. So the government decided to    build the town to develop this traditional industry.

              B: It must be a great attraction. Wish I could see it earlier.

              A: 60_________, there is a big park in the town.

              B: Then why not pay a visit after class.

              A:Good idea! And the tulips(郁金香) in Xishanyang Park 61_________(come) out already, and we can appreciate    62 _____________as well.

              B:Sound nice, but do you know its exact location? It’s said that many visitors63 ____________(lose) last week.

              A:Of course. I live nearby, so I’m familiar64 __________ every path here.

              B:No wonder you walk to school65 ________ than take a bus.

