优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              -- Why do you walk so strangely?

              --- This is ______ I fell over myself accidently yesterday and my left leg got hurt.

              A.why              B.because           C.want             D.where


            • 2.

              ______ surprised the hostess most is _______ one of her friends left the party without saying a word.

              A.What, what        B.What, that         C.That, that          D.That, what


            • 3.

              He didn’t catch the first train. That’s ____ he didn’t attend the meeting.

              A. because       B. how         C. why          D. when


            • 4.

              _____ the doctors really doubt is _____ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

              A.What; when       B.That; how         C.What; whether     D.That; what


            • 5.

              The reason ____he was late was ____he had taken a wrong bus.

              A.why; because                          B.for; because of

              C.why; that                              D.for; that


            • 6.

              “I was touched by the children here who called me ‘Grandpa Wen’ because that’s _______the Chinese children call me at home,” said former premier Wen Jiabao in India.

              A.how             B.what             C.why              D.when


            • 7.

              The Japanese government stubbornly claimed the ownership of DiaoYu Island belonging to Japan, ____ greatly hurt the friendship between the two peoples.    

              A.that              B.this              C.which            D.it


            • 8.

              There is a big garden in the neighborhood, ______ actually has become a good place for people to meet and communicate.

              A.where            B.in which           C.that              D.which


            • 9.

              The company ran into trouble when it tried to expand too quickly, _____ was that it was short of money.

              A.some of them                          B.most of which

              C.one of them                           D.part of which


            • 10.

               It’s based on the idea ____ all people are created equal, ____ is accepted by most people.

              A.that; that          B.which; which       C.which; when       D.that; which


