优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              如果你想获得她的原谅,就必须真诚地道歉。(apologize; forgive)

            • 2.



              It is important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it under any circumstances, because  1  you believe you can, then you really will.  2  belief keeps you searching for answers, which means soon you will get them.

              Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing  3  (exact) where you are going and how you are going to get there. It comes from a strong sense of purpose. It comes from a strong commitment to take  4  ( responsible), rather than just letting life happen. One way to develop self-confidence is to do the things that you fear and to get a record of  5  (succeed) experiences behind you.

              Confidence is not just  6  (believe) you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it. Know that you are capable  7  completing anything you want, and live your life with confidence.

               Anything can be achieved through  8  (determine) effort and self-confidence. If your life is not what you want it to be, you have the power to change  9  , and you must make the changes step by step. Live with your goals and take action. Act with your own purpose, and you  10  ( have) the life you want.

            • 3.

              You"d better take something to read when. you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.

              A.even if   
              B.as if   
              C.in case   
              D.in order that
