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            • 1.
              "We haven't found anything that we can't recycle!"
              Cigarette ends are everywhere-littering our streets and beaches-and for decades they've been thought of as"unrecyclable".But a New Jersey based company,called TerraCycle,has taken on the challenge,and has come up with a way to recycle millions of cigarette ends and turn them into industrial plastic products.Its aim is to recycle things that people normally consider impossible to reuse.
              Obviously it would be even better for the environment if everyone just stopped smoking,but the statistics show that although there has been an increase in anti-smoking ads and messaging,between 2000 and 2014,global sales of cigarettes increased by 8percent,and a whole lot of those cigarette ends are ending up as trash.Since most of our litter eventually ends up in waterways,cigarette ends can surely pollute the surrounding environment."It only takes a single cigarette end to pollute a liter of water,"TerraCycle founder,Tom Szaky,said."Animals can also mistake littered cigarette ends for food."
              So how do you go about turning all those poisonous ends into something useful?TerraCycle does this by first breaking them down into separate parts.They mix the remaining materials,such as the tobacco and the paper,with other kinds of rubbish,and use it on non-agricultural land,such as golf courses.The filters (过滤嘴) are a little harder.To recycle these,TerraCycle first makes them clean and cuts them into small pieces,and then combines them with other recycled materials,making them into liquid for industrial plastic products.
              They're now also expanding their recycling offerings to the rest of the 80percent of household waste that currently can't be recycled,such as chocolate packaging,pens,and mobile phones.The goal is to use the latest research to find a way to stop so much waste ending up in landfill (垃圾填埋),and then get companies to provide money for the process.And so far,it's working.
              "We haven't found anything that we can't recycle,"communications director of TerraCycle,Albe Zakes,said."But with the amount and variety of packaging and litter in the world,we are always looking for new waste streams to address."

              (1) What does TerraCycle intend to do? ______
              A. Search for recyclable materials for use.
              B. Deal with as many cigarette ends as possible.
              C. Produce new kinds of industrial plastic products.
              D. Recycle what used to be considered unrecyclable.
              (2) The underlined word"trash"in Paragraph 2 probably means ______ .
              A. rubbish B. poison C. disaster D. ruin
              (3) What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? ______
              A. The effective use of cigarette ends.
              B. The process of recycling cigarette ends.
              C. The difficulty in recycling cigarette ends.
              D. The reason for breaking down cigarette ends.
              (4) What Albe said in the last paragraph implies that ______ .
              A. there is more and more waste to be recycled
              B. it is difficult for TerraCycle to recycle everything
              C. TerraCycle is trying to meet the challenge of new waste
              D. TerraCycle has successfully recycled a large amount of waste.
            • 2.
              Dragging a sleigh loaded with enough presents for the world's children can be no easy skill.But,since ancient times,the Christmas Eve duty has been performed with distinction by a team of beloved reindeer(驯鹿).
              Soon,however,Santa Claus may have to start looking around for a stronger type of animal,as a new research shows the species is becoming increasingly puny.A 16-vear survey on the arctic Norwegian island of Svalbard found the reindeer there have declined in weight by an alarming 12 percent.
              The reduction in average body-mass is being blamed on global warming.In the research presented lately at a meeting of the British Ecological Society in Liverpool,scientists have explained how rising temperatures are robbing female reindeer of nutrients during important periods of pregnancy.are becoming starved,causing them to abort their babies or giving birth to much lighter young.
              Snow in Svalbard typically covers the ground for eight months of the year,which,combined with low temperatures,limits grass growth to June and July.But as summer temperatures have increased by around 1.5°C,grass has become more productive,allowing female reindeer to gain more weight by the autumn and therefore to have more babies.However,wanner winters have brought with them greater rainfall which freezes when it settles on the snow.Reindeer can often access the poor food sources beneath the snow by clearing it away with their antlers(鹿角),but they cannot break through the hard ice.As a result,female reindeer are becoming starved,causing them to abort their babies or giving birth to much lighter young.
              Despite the findings,reindeer appear to be suffering less from the effect of climate change than some other arctic species.Last week the scientists warned that a third of the world's polar bears could disappear in the next 40 years.

              (1) Which of the following can replace the underlined word"puny"in Paragraph 2? ______
              A. strong B. mature C. heavy D. weak
              (2) Why do female reindeer become fat in autumn? ______
              A. The temperature is getting low.
              B. They give birth to more babies.
              C. Grass has grown well since summer.
              D. They often break through the hard ice.
              (3) What can we infer from the text? ______
              A. Climate change has little effect on reindeer.
              B. Polar bears suffer more from climate change.
              C. Reindeer have no trouble finding food in winter.
              D. Polar bears will disappear in the near future.
              (4) What does the text mainly talk about? ______
              A. The Christmas Eve duty will still be carried out by reindeer.
              B. Reindeer has decreased in weight owing to global warming.
              C. Global warming contributes to more young reindeer.
              D. Many arctic species are at the risk of dying out.
            • 3.
              There have always been laws against copying other people's ideas.However,when copying was only limited to copying something by hand,problems were solved easily.The solution was always the destruction or removal of the copy.Nowadays,the rise of the Internet has made the issue of intellectual property (知识产权) more complicated.
              Almost every bit of information can be cut and pasted(粘贴) with a few clicks of a mouse.Many art forms such as writings,films,and music need new protection to ensure that people do not simply transfer them for free.Online illegal copying has been blamed for a huge reduction in the sales of many records because it is hard to convince people to buy something that they can get for free.Even the ideas behind traditional games,such as Scrabble,have been used without the owners'permission.
              Old laws have been struggling to keep up.While music companies have been successful in persuading courts that action should be taken against people who illegally download music,the law is difficult to carry out.Furthermore,intellectual property rights vary widely from country to country,so it's up for debate which laws apply.Finally,there is the fact that many people simply do not see the act as theft(盗窃),since once the work has been digitized there is no clear physical object to steal in the first place.
              All of these issues mean that companies involved with intellectual property-ideas or easily digitized information-are fighting desperately to get people to pay for the information they use,rather than paying for an object like a CD that they use.While the companies have sometimes been successful,the practical barriers to full protection seem insurmountable
              Finally,all that concerned parties can do is hope that their few successes scare off others and try to find new ways of making money.

              (1) Why do writings,films,and music need protection? ______
              A. They are very expensive.
              B. They are impossible to copy.
              C. It is easy to make CDs,books,and movies.
              D. They are easily able to be transferred when in digital form.
              (2) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem of carrying out intellectual property rights?
              A. Laws are not the same in all countries.
              B. People do not see copying information as theft.
              C. It is very hard to catch people who are breaking the law.
              D. Internet service providers do not want to cooperate with the police.
              (3) The underlined word"insurmountable"in Paragraph 4means" ______ "
              A. extremely expensive B. impossible to overcome
              C. against the law D. hard to prove
              (4) What can be inferred from this passage? ______
              A. Music and films will be unnecessary in the future.
              B. New laws are necessary but difficult to put into practice.
              C. The Internet is likely to become more important in the future.
              D. Laws are just a way for greedy companies to control their products.
            • 4.


                  Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts. Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.

                  Some places on the earth don't get much rain. But they still don't become desert. This is because some green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places. Plants don't let the hot sun make the earth even drier. Plants don't let the wind blow the earth away. When a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water. Without the plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.

            • 5. It never occurred to anybody,not even the creators that the world would care about the complex lives,loves and sufferings of a group of attractive and witty New Yorkers.But there's no doubt that Friends(老友记)has become more than just a successful situation comedy-it has established itself as one of the last great television phenomena of the last century.Along the way,it has made its half-dozen leading actors famous.
              Looking back on the strong friendship between the group of three men and three women who frequently gather at each other's apartments and at Greenwich Village's Central Perk coffee house,Friends was created by television producers,David Crane and Marta Kauffman.In 1993,the pair met producer Kevin S.Bright.Then the three became partners and got a deal to produce a new comedy for Warner Brothers.What they came up with was based on Crane and Kauffman's after-college years,when they hung out at the local coffee house and involved themselves in every aspect of each other's lives.
              It didn't take long for viewers to make friends with Friends.The situation comedy quickly became a top ten hit.Critics loved it as well.Entertainment Weekly said the show operated like a Broadway show,with twisty plots and unique jokes.The television theme song has also been a success with the public.The song's success helped save the television theme song.An ABC(美国广播公司)executive was ready to order very short music intros(前奏) on his network's shows,thinking that viewers would hit the remote control as soon as the opening started.But the success of the Friends theme song led the ABC executive to change his mind--remote controls or not,the TV theme song would stay.
              Years have gone by,but Friends remains and will remain an example of a modern US situation comedy that is both hugely entertaining television and nothing short of a genuine latter-day social phenomenon.
            • 6. We've all had that moment when we are in the middle of sorting old clothes,or walking down the street and passing a restaurant,or someone hugs you and their pleasant smell go slightly and you're instantly transported to a past memory or you feel an emotional response to that smell.
              For me,the smell of bubble bath will always make me think of long soaps in the big claw-footed bath and my grandma's house in the UK!If this sounds like you too,there is a reason for it.Psychologist Sabina Read explains,"Fragrance is commonly linked to our mood and behavior via learned emotional responses associated with smells and past experiences.If we smell roses while visiting a sick loved one in hospital,the smell may arouse sadness or grief (哀伤); however if we first smell roses after giving birth,we will most likely associate that smell with feelings of joy and love.Therefore fragrance plays a powerful role in mood and emotion across our life."
              And it's this understanding which Imperial Leather has used in creating their new fragrance range.The brand undertook a survey of 2,200Australians on fragrances and smells---and some of the results might surprise you.
              *A huge 97percent of people feel more confident just by wearing a fragrance.
              *Women feel most attractive wearing a floral (花香的) scent.
              *Floral fragrances are the most attractive scent with men voting it as their favorite scent for a partner.
              *Over half the nation,51percent,have used the same fragrance for five years or more.

            • 7. It happened to me recently.I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President.A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was,in his words,"a brilliantly (精彩地)written book".However,he then went on to talk about Mr.Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background at all.I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.
              And it seems that my friend is not the only one.Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven't.In the World Book Day's"Report on Guilty Secrets",Dreams From My Father is at number 9.The report lists ten books,and various authors,which people have lied about reading,and as I'm not one to lie too often (I'd hate to be caught out),I'll admit here and now that I haven't read the entire top ten.But I am pleased to say that,unlike 42percent of people,I have read the book at number one,George Orwell's 1984.I think it's really brilliant.
              The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it.It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen,Charles Dickens,Fyodor Dostoevsky (I haven't read him,but haven't lied about it either) and Herman Melville.
              Asked why they lied,the most common reason was to"impress"someone they were speaking to.This could be tricky if the conversation became more in-depth!
              But when asked which authors they actually enjoy,people named J.K.Rowling,John Grisham,Sophie Kinsella (ah,the big sellers,in other words).Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I'll come clean:I do this and am astonished that 58percent said they had never done so).

            • 8.
              Since the beginning of the Internet era it has been pretty widely accepted that when you join an online service,whatever data you put into it belongs to you.That's the way things were-until Facebook came along.Facebook took a different approach.Until recently,everything you put into Facebook-photos,messages,wall posts,your profile info,and,most significant,your address book-could not be exported anywhere.In effect,you didn't own your data.Facebook did.
              In October it relaxed things a bit with a policy that lets you export most of your stuff,with one glaring exception:the e-mail addresses of the people on your contact list.All you get is a list of names.Facebook says it can't let you take your friends'e-mail addresses because that information doesn't belong to you; it belongs to your friends.Of course this is rubbish.The reality is that Facebook wants to make it difficult,if not impossible,for you to leave.
              Now that policy has sparked a fight between Google and Facebook.Google is steamed because its users can,and often do,export their Gmail contact information into Facebook.But those people can't bring Facebook info back into Gmail.
              Earlier this month Google declared it would block exports of its data to services that don't reciprocate -meaning guess who.In a countermove,Facebook hacked around Google's roadblock so its users could keep pulling data from Google.
              Google said it was"disappointed"with Facebook's behavior.It also created a warning screen to tell Gmail users that if they export their information to Facebook they won't get it back.
              Both companies declined to comment on the record for this story.But what's really going on is that they're at war.Google views Facebook as a threat to its business and has been trying to launch a social-networking service to compete with it.Facebook has rounded up 500million people and intends to generate billions of dollars in revenue(收益) by gathering data about them and selling it to advertisers.
              Facebook's position with rival tech companies boils down to this:if you want access to all the information we've collected,strike a deal with us.Microsoft and Yahoo have done that,and now,like magic,they can export Facebook contact info into their systems,while Google still can't.
              Remember the early days of the Net,when everything was going to be open and free,and we were all going to share information in a techno-utopia?That was great until people realized that their user data could be turned into gold.Now there are billions at stake,and nobody is playing nice anymore.
              (1) Before Facebook appeared,people generally believed that ______ .
              A. they can join any online service at their own will
              B. their online information belongs to online service providers
              C. they own all the data they put into online services
              D. their online service providers should keep their online info secret
              (2) What does the author think of Facebook preventing its users exporting their e-mail address to other online services? ______
              A. It can ensure the safety of its users'information.
              B. It has quite reasonable explanation.
              C. It is one example often seen in online services.
              D. It makes leaving Facebook hard for its users.
              (3) What's the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 4? ______
              A. return the favour
              B. update in time
              C. expand widely
              D. guarantee their rights
              (4) What action did Google take to deal with the threat from Facebook? ______
              A. It united Microsoft and Yahoo to fight against what Facebook did.
              B. It planned to create a social-networking service to fight Facebook.
              C. It warned its users of danger of giving away information on Facebook.
              D. It created a program preventing Facebook's hackers browsing its site.
              (5) What does the author say about the Net in its early days? ______
              A. The data on it was the tool for people to make profit.
              B. It didn't allow people to share the information on it.
              C. It made people in danger of revealing their privacy on line.
              D. All the information it provided was accessible and free of charge.
            • 9.

              Stop wasting your time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

              The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

              You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem (自尊). Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-esteem do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are leaves tossed (摇摆) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

              You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for whatever happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident while successful people realize that they are responsible.

              Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we consciously choose to accept and believe. Thoughts and beliefs cause everything. Our attitudes and actions are a result of habits ingrained in us over a period of time. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success depends upon our level of confidence. We are responsible for either reinforcing (强化) good habits or kicking bad habits and consciously replacing them with consistently practiced good habits.

              If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing (培育) the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks.

              In short, in all areas of your life, whether they are financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.

              (1) People with low self-esteem are compared to leaves because they ________.
              A. are ready to change their minds
              B. are easily affected by windy weather
              C. don’t have the power to face their fate
              D. can’t exercise control over themselves
              (2) Losers would think that ________.
              A. success is the result of hard work
              B. working hard will lead to success
              C. their failure is only because of bad luck
              D. they don’t make efforts to succeed
              (3) It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that ________.
              A. whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes
              B. developing confidence is the key to future success
              C. thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind
              D. setting our expectations is essential before taking action
              (4) The last paragraph serves as ________.
              A. the proof of the writer’s points
              B. the conclusion of the argument
              C. an introduction to another topic
              D. a comparison between two views
              (5) Which is the best title for the text?
              A. Success Is a Choice B. The Secrets of Success
              C. Develop Our Confidence D. How to Achieve Success
            • 10.
              It never occurred to anybody,not even the creators that the world would care about the complex lives,loves and sufferings of a group of attractive and witty New Yorkers.But there's no doubt that Friends(老友记)has become more than just a successful situation comedy-it has established itself as one of the last great television phenomena of the last century.Along the way,it has made its half-dozen leading actors famous.
              Looking back on the strong friendship between the group of three men and three women who frequently gather at each other's apartments and at Greenwich Village's Central Perk coffee house,Friends was created by television producers,David Crane and Marta Kauffman.In 1993,the pair met producer Kevin S.Bright.Then the three became partners and got a deal to produce a new comedy for Warner Brothers.What they came up with was based on Crane and Kauffman's after-college years,when they hung out at the local coffee house and involved themselves in every aspect of each other's lives.
              It didn't take long for viewers to make friends with Friends.The situation comedy quickly became a top ten hit.Critics loved it as well.Entertainment Weekly said the show operated like a Broadway show,with twisty plots and unique jokes.The television theme song has also been a success with the public.The song's success helped save the television theme song.An ABC(美国广播公司)executive was ready to order very short music intros(前奏) on his network's shows,thinking that viewers would hit the remote control as soon as the opening started.But the success of the Friends theme song led the ABC executive to change his mind--remote controls or not,the TV theme song would stay.
              Years have gone by,but Friends remains and will remain an example of a modern US situation comedy that is both hugely entertaining television and nothing short of a genuine latter-day social phenomenon.
              (1) What is stressed in the second paragraph? ______
              A. The origin of Friends
              B. The role models of Friends
              C. The popularity of Friends
              D. The brilliance of Friends.
              (2) Which of the following is TRUE about Friends? ______
              A. It has a simple but entertaining plot.
              B. It is about friendship between college students.
              C. It was criticized by Entertainment Weekly.
              D. It first came into being in the 1990s.
              (3) What can we learn from the passage? ______
              A. Producer,Kevin S.Bright,graduated from the same college as David Crane.
              B. ABC once replaced the theme song of its TV show with a short music intro.
              C. The ABC executive thought highly of the theme song of Friends.
              D. Marta Kauffman expected Friends to achieve great success.
              (4) What might the author think of Friends? ______
              A. Its merits outweigh its shortcomings.
              B. Its success lies in the lack of good situation comedies.
              C. He/she has a reserved attitude towards its success.
              D. He/she shows great affection towards it.
