优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              From the first day he entered my classroom, Willard P. Frank existed in his own world, shutting out his classmates and me. My attempts at building a friendly relationship with him were met with complete indifference. I could see that his classmates feared no better. Willard was strictly a loner who seemed to have no desire or need to break his silence.

               Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received word of the annual Christmas collection of money for the less fortunate people in our school district.

                “Christmas is a season of giving,” I told my students. “There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season. By contributing to our Christmas collection, you will help buy food, clothing and toys for these needy people. We will start the collection tomorrow.”

               When I called for the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten except for Willard P. Frank. The boy dug deep into his pants pockets as he walked slowly to my desk. Carefully, he dropped two quarters into the small container.

                “I don’t need milk for lunch,” he mumbled(含糊的说话). For a moment, just a moment, he smiled. Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

               That night, after school, I took our few contributions to the school principal(校长). I couldn’t help sharing the incident that had taken place.

               “I may be wrong, but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,” I told the principal.

               “Yes.” he nodded. “And we might do well to have him share a bit of his world with us. I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection. Here, take a look at it.”

               As I gazed down(俯瞰) to read, I discovered Willard P. Frank and his family were the top names on the list. Seeing this, I decided to do something for him. (348 words)






              Paragraph 1:

                On that Sunday, I paid a visit to Willard’s family.                                       

              Paragraph 2:

                The next day, I had a special class forWillard.                                           

            • 2. 作为一名中学生,你在成长的过程中会学到很多东西,如:如何有爱心、承担责任、学会感恩、择友等等.请选择一个话题,用英语描述一段经历,并说说你的想法.字数:100-120字左右.
            • 3. Zigfried,a little mouse,blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside.Still nobody came.Maybe today,he thought (31)    .It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹).
                This farmhouse had been(32)       too long.It needed a family.Zigfried’s(33)    made a noise.He realized that he hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday.He jumped from the windowsill (窗沿),grabbed a (34)       from his home,and went next door to Farmer Mike’s.
                Farmer Mike’s house had been a great place for the little mouse  (35)       the farmer married a wife who had a cat.Zigfried (36)       when he thought of it.He looked around cautiously as he (37)       into the room where grain was stored and was quite  (38)       as he filled his bag with wheat.He was turning to leave when suddenly he  (39)       a hot breath about his ear.His heart beat (40)    ,and without thinking he started to run and luckily (41)       the cat’s paws (爪子).
                The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news:a (42)       family would be moving into the farmhouse soon.Zigfried’s granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to
              (43)       with him.He hoped that the family would come before his granny came.Before long,a car came (44)       the road leading to the house,with butter sandwiches,cheese and chocolate.
                Zigfried’s Christmas miracle did arrive!
                The house came(45)     the next few days.Zigfried(46)       every single hour of them. (47)    ,the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a (48)       smile at the door of his home,he heard the (49)       of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas.What?A cat?The (50)       froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open.After a long while,he at last found his voice:“Hey!Whose Christmas miracle is this?”
              31.A.carefully      B.excitedly        C.hopefully        D.proudly
              32.A.shabby         B.noisy            C.messy            D.empty
              33.A.mouth          B.nose             C.stomach          D.throat
              34.A.bag            B.stick            C.bowl             D.coat
              35.A.although       B.until            C.whereas          D.unless
              36.A.leapt          B.sniffed          C.trembled         D.withdrew
              37.A.broke          B.marched          C.paced            D.stole
              38.A.curious        B.nervous          C.pitiful          D.sensible
              39.A.took           B.released         C.felt             D.drew
              40.A.strongly       B.irregularly      C.slowly           D.wildly
              41.A.escaped        B.seized           C.rubbed           D.scratched
              42.A.close          B.happy            C.new              D.young
              43.A.celebrate      B.communicate      C.compete          D.compromise
              44.A.across         B.from             C.off              D.up
              45.A.alive          B.loose            C.open             D.still
              46.A.counted        B.enjoyed          C.missed           D.wasted
              47.A.However        B.Instead          C.Moreover         D.Therefore
              48.A.bitter         B.forced           C.polite           D.satisfied
              49.A.introduction   B.discussion       C.comment          D.debate
              50.A.blood          B.smile            C.tear             D.sweat.
            • 4. That holiday morning I didn’t have to attend school.Usually,on holidays,Mother(36)     me to sleep in.And I would certainly take full advantage of it.On this particular morning,(37)    ,I felt like getting up early.
              I stood by my window overlooking the (38)    ,having nothing better to do.But as it turned out,I was soon to learn about something (39)     in life.
              As I watched several people go by,get into their cars and drive off,I (40)    an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its(41)     and a basket rags and bottles on its back-carriage.He(42)    from one car to another,washing and cleaning them.From the water on the ground,it seemed that he had already (43)    washing and cleaning about a dozen or more cars.He must have begun to work quite early in the morning.
              Several thoughts(44)    my mind as I watched him work.He wasn’t well-dressed.He had on a pair of shorts and a(n) (45)    T-shirt.The bicycle he rode was not by any means the kind modern(46)    would want to be seen riding on.But he seemed(47)     with life.There he was,working hard at his small business,(48)    at passers-by and stopping to chat now and then (49)     elderly men and women on their way to the market nearby.
              There was a noticeable touch of(50)    in the way he seemed to be doing things(51)    the windscreen (挡风玻璃),then standing back to admire it; scrubbing (擦净) the wheels and (52)    ,standing back to see what they look like after the scrub.
              It was a (53)     to learn,I felt.At no age need one have to beg for a(54)     if one has good health and is willing to work hard.For a while I felt(55)     of myself.Young as I am-just sixteen,and there was this old man who must have been usefully engaged perhaps before the sun appeared above the horizon.

              36.A.forces            B.allows             C.causes            D.forbids
              37.A.otherwise         B.therefore          C.however           D.besides
              38.A.parking lot       B.bus stop           C.school            D.market
              39.A.interesting       B.surprising         C.awful             D.useful
              40.A.noticed           B.recognized         C.called            D.assisted
              41.A.back              B.handle             C.wheel             D.seat
              42.A.searched          B.left               C.moved             D.wandered
              43.A.stopped           B.started            C.intended          D.finished
              44.A.crossed           B.slipped            C.disturbed         D.inspired
              45.A.attractive        B.shiny              C.simple            D.expensive
              46.A.repairmen         B.businessmen        C.drivers           D.cyclists
              47.A.busy              B.content            C.careful           D.bored
              48.A.waving            B.looking            C.laughing          D.pointing
              49.A.about             B.for                C.with              D.like
              50.A.worry             B.respect            C.sympathy          D.pride
              51.A.cleaning          B.fixing             C.replacing         D.covering
              52.A.still             B.yet                C.again             D.soon
              53.A.lesson            B.subject            C.skill             D.fact
              54.A.business          B.living             C.success           D.right
              55.A.tired             B.doubtful           C.fearful           D.ashamed.
            • 5. Inspiration
              “Mama,when I grow up,I’m going to be one of those!”I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three.It was the first time that my(36)     took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training.As I grew older and was(37)     to more,my interests in the world of dance(38)     varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a (39)     in the company never left me.In the summer of 2005when I was 18,I received the phone call which made that dream a(40)    ; I became a member of the company(41)     back to 1925.
              As I look back on that day now,it surely (42)     any sense of reality.I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief(43)     I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day.I never actually (44)     to get the job.After being offered the position,I was completely (45)    .I remember shaking with excitement.
              Though I was absolutely thrilled with the change,it did not come without its fair share of (46)    .Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week,I found it vital to (47)     up the material fast with every last bit of concentration.It is that extreme (48)     to detail (细节) and stress on practice that set us(49)    .To then follow those high-energy rehearsals(50)     a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day,I discovered a new (51)     of the words“hard work.”What I thought were my physical(52)     were pushed much further than I thought(53)    .I learned to make each performance better than the last.
              Today,when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great(54)     of being a part of,not only as a member,but as a dance captain,I see a(55)     that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow-and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.

              36.A.hobby         B.plan          C.dream            D.word
              37.A connected      B.expanded      C.exposed          D.extended
              38.A.rarely        B.certainly     C.probably         D.consistently
              39.A.director      B.trainer       C.leader           D.dancer
              40.A.symbol        B.memory        C.truth            D.reality
              41.A.bouncing      B.dating        C.turning          D.tracking
              42.A.lacks         B.adds          C.makes            D.brings
              43.A.while         B.since         C.until            D.when
              44.A.cared         B.expected      C.asked            D.decided
              45.A.motivated     B.relaxed       C.convinced       D.astonished
              46.A.challenges    B.profits       C.advantages       D.adventures
              47.A.put           B.mix           C.build            D.pick
              48.A.attention     B.association   C.attraction       D.adaptation
              49.A.apart         B.aside         C.off              D.back
              50.A.over          B.by            C.with             D.beyond
              51.A.function      B.meaning       C.expression       D.usage
              52.A.boundaries    B.problems      C.barriers         D.efforts
              53.A.necessary     B.perfect       C.proper           D.possible
              54.A.talent        B.honor         C.potential        D.responsibility
              55.A.victory       B.trend         C.tradition        D.desire.
            • 6. It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30.
                 The nurse had him take a(36)    in the waiting area,(37)    him it would be at least 40minutes(38)    someone would be able to see him.I saw him(39)    his watch and decided,since I was (40)     busy-my patient didn’t(41)    at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment.
                The gentleman said no and told me that he(42)    to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his(43)    .He told me that she had been (44)    for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be (45)    if he was a bit late.He replied that she (46)    knew who he was,that she had not been able to(47)    him for five years now.I was(48)        and asked him,“And you(49)    go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
                 He smiled and said,“She doesn’t know me,but I know who she is.”I had to hold back(50)     as he left.
                 Now I(51)    that in marriages,true love is(52)    of all that is.The happiest people don’t (53)    have the best of everything; they just(54)    the best of everything they have.(55)    isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

              36.A.breath          B.test          C.seat           D.break
              37.A.persuading      B.promising     C.understanding  D.telling
              38.A.if              B.before        C.since          D.after
              39.A.taking off      B.fixing        C.looking at     D.winding
              40.A.very            B.also          C.seldom         D.not
              41.A.turn up         B.show off      C.come on        D.go away
              42.A.needed          B.forgot        C.agreed         D.happened
              43.A.daughter        B.wife          C.mother         D.sister
              44.A.late            B.well          C.around         D.there
              45.A.lonely          B.worried       C.doubtful       D.hungry
              46.A.so far          B.neither       C.no longer      D.already
              47.A.recognize       B.answer        C.believe        D.expect
              48.A.moved           B.disappointed   C.surprised     D.satisfied
              49.A.only            B.then           C.thus          D.still
              50.A.curiosity       B.tears          C.words         D.judgment
              51.A.realize         B.suggest        C.hope          D.prove
              52.A.agreement       B.expression     C.acceptance    D.exhibition
              53.A.necessarily     B.completely     C.naturally     D.frequently
              54.A.learn           B.make           C.favor         D.try
              55.A.Adventure       B.Beauty         C.Trust         D.Life.
            • 7. It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital.I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30.
               The nurse had him take a(36)    in the waiting area,(37)    him it would be at least 40minutes(38)    someone would be able to see him.I saw him(39)    his watch and decided,since I was (40)     busy-my patient didn’t(41)    at the appointed hour,I would examine his wound.While taking care of his wound,I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment.
                The gentleman said no and told me that he(42)    to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his(43)    .He told me that she had been(44)    for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be (45)    if he was a bit late.He replied that she (46)    knew who he was,that she had not been able to(47)    him for five years now.I was(48)        and asked him,“And you(49)    go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
                He smiled and said,“She doesn’t know me,but I know who she is.”I had to hold back(50)     as he left.
                Now I(51)    that in marriages,true love is(52)    of all that is.The happiest people don’t (53)    have the best of everything; they just(54)    the best of everything they have.(55)    isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.

              36.A.breath          B.test          C.seat           D.break
              37.A.persuading      B.promising     C.understanding  D.telling
              38.A.if              B.before        C.since          D.after
              39.A.taking off      B.fixing        C.looking at     D.winding
              40.A.very            B.also          C.seldom        D.not
              41.A.turn up         B.show off      C.come on       D.go away
              42.A.needed          B.forgot        C.agreed        D.happened
              43.A.daughter        B.wife          C.mother        D.sister
              44.A.late            B.well          C.around        D.there
              45.A.lonely          B.worried       C.doubtful      D.hungry
              46.A.so far          B.neither       C.no longer     D.already
              47.A.recognize       B.answer        C.believe       D.expect
              48.A.moved           B.disappointed  C.surprised     D.satisfied
              49.A.only            B.then           C.thus         D.still
              50.A.curiosity       B.tears          C.words        D.judgment
              51.A.realize         B.suggest        C.hope         D.prove
              52.A.agreement       B.expression     C.acceptance   D.exhibition
              53.A.necessarily     B.completely     C.naturally    D.frequently
              54.A.learn           B.make           C.favor        D.try
              55.A.Adventure       B.Beauty        C.Trust          D.Life.
            • 8. My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“(41)    my job.Family to Feed.”
              At this store,a (42)    like this is not normal.My 10-year-old noticed him and make a (43)     on how bad it must be to have to stand (44)    in the cold wind.
              In the store,I asked each of my kids to(45)    something they thought our“friend”there would (46)    .They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a(47)    .I thought about it.We were(48)    on cash ourselves,but…well,sometimes (49)    from our need instead of our abundance is (50)    what we need to do!All the kids(51)    something they could do away with for the week.
              When we handed him the bag of (52)    ,he lit up and thanked us with(53)    eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for(54)    his family might need,he burst into tears.
              This has been a wonderful(55)    for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can(56)    !Things would have played out so(57)    if I had simply said,“No,we really don’t have(58)    to give more.”Stepping out not only helped a brother in (59)    ,it also gave my kids the(60)    taste of helping others.It’ll go a long way with them.

              41.A.Quit        B.Changed  C.Lost          D.Finished
              42.A condition    B.place    C.sight         D.show
              43.A.suggestion  B.comment  C.decision      D.call
              44.A.by          B.proudly  C.outside       D.angrily
              45.A.draw        B.say      C.arrange       D.pick
              46.A.appreciate  B.supply   C.order         D.discover
              47.A.dollar      B.job      C.hot meal      D.gift card
              48.A.easy        B.low      C.soft          D.loose
              49.A.giving      B.saving   C.spending      D.begging
              50.A.yet         B.even     C.still         D.just
              51.A.declared    B.shared   C.ignored       D.expected
              52.A.food        B.medicine C.toys          D.clothes
              53.A.sleepy      B.watery   C.curious       D.sharp
              54.A.whoever     B.whatever C.whichever     D.whenever
              55.A.message     B.example  C.experience    D.adventure
              56.A.rely on     B.respect  C.learn from    D.help
              57.A.suddenly    B.vividly  C.differently   D.perfectly
              58.A.time        B.power    C.patience      D.money
              59.A.need        B.love     C.fear          D.memory
              60.A.strong      B.sweet    C.strange       D.simple.
            • 9. 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”、请根据下列要求和你的想象完成短文:
                   I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.    
            • 10.

              假如你是Li Hua,准备向某英文报纸投稿,参加“我最喜欢的体育运动员”征文活动。请根据所给要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你最喜欢的体育运动员-李娜。






              华中科技大学(Huazhong University of Science and Technology




              赢得2011&2014年两次大满贯(Grand Slam titles),鼓舞青少年。









