优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I live in Albuquerque and I used to give much money to the homeless around, feeling sorry for their misfortune(不幸). But later I became a single mom with no home, a huge  1 and hardly any income.  2 , I stopped giving and became very bitter(痛苦).
              Several years later, things started to 3 . I became 4  enough to have a home, and 5  a backyard, and I started to pull myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the , “ Will work for food. ” I  7. My daughter asked why I no longer helped the people in  8 . I replied, “ Honey, they just use that money for 9 or other bad things. ” She didn’t respond. But when I said that, it didn’t feel right.
              Three days later, I was 10 to pick up my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner and something deep inside 11 me to help him. So I stopped my car , and he ran over with enthusiasm. He said, “ God bless you, I only need 77 cents. ” I 12  into my ashtray and  13 enough, there was three quarters and two pennies.
              Greatly shocked by this 14 , I gave him all the money in the ashtray. He 15 with joy and tears in his eyes, “ You just made it 16 for me to see my mom for Christmas ! The bus offering this great sale is 17 right away ! ” It was a moment I’ll never forget. I think that man won’t forget it either, but I was the one who got the best 18  in life giving. It also 19 me that nothing is a coincidence(巧合), 20 everything has meaning.
              A.In factB.In a wordC.As a resultD.All in all
              A.got toB.walked toC.passed inD.passed by
              A.put outB.turned outC.broke outD.burst out(大声喊)
            • 2. 完形填空。
                    A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress management. He   1   a glass of water and asked
              the audience, "How   2   do you think this glass of water is?"
                   The students' answers   3   from 20g to 500g.
                   "It does not matter on the absolute   4  . It depends on how   5   you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is
              OK. If I hold it for a(n)   6 , I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to   7  
              an ambulance. It is exactly the   8  weight, but the longer I hold it, the   9  it becomes." The whole audience
              became silent, lost in thought.
                   After a moment, the lecturer continued, " 10  we carry our burden all the time,  11 , we will not be able to
              carry on with the burden becoming increasingly heavier,  12  heavy for us to bear."
                    "What you have to do is to  13  the glass, rest for a while  14  holding it up again."
                    As is shown in the story above, we have to put down the burden periodically,  15  we can be refreshed
              and are able to carry on.
                    So before you  16  home from work tonight, put the burden of  17  down. Don't carry it back  18 . You
              can pick it up tomorrow.
                    Whatever burden you are having now on your  19 , let it down for a moment if you can.
                    Life is short,  20  it!
              (     )1. A. supported     
              (     )2. A. heavy        
              (     )3. A. differed    
              (     )4. A. weight       
              (     )5. A. tight        
              (     )6 . A. day        
              (     )7. A. require      
              (     )8. A. proper        
              (     )9. A. less        
              (     )10. A. If            
              (     )11. A. now and then   
              (     )12. A. too        
              (     )13. A. put away     
              (     )14. A. after         
              (     )15. A. so that      
              (     )16. A. leave        
              (     )17. A. life         
              (     )18. A. home         
              (     )19. A. shoulders     
              (     )20. A. do          B. drank            
              B. pure                
              B. ranged            
              B. volume             
              B. long               
              B. second            
              B. invite              
              B. same               
              B. lighter            
              B. Unless              
              B. little by little    
              B. so                  
              B. put down          
              B. for               
              B. even if           
              B. clean             
              B. duty              
              B. office             
              B. heart             
              B. like               C. needed        
              C. sweet       
              C. numbered      
              C. height       
              C. difficult     
              C. hour          
              C. call           
              C. right         
              C. more         
              C. While         
              C. sooner or later      
              C. rather         
              C. put aside        
              C. by           
              C. as if          
              C. approach      
              C. task          
              C. company        
              C. body           
              C. love           D. raised      
              D. many        
              D. limited     
              D. quantity    
              D. high        
              D. half        
              D. ask         
              D. usual       
              D. heavier     
              D. Since       
              D. sometimes                       
              D. quite       
              D. put back    
              D. before      
              D. as soon as  
              D. return      
              D. work        
              D. family      
              D. hands       
              D. enjoy       
            • 3. 完形填空。
                   A man was exploring caves by the seashore when he found a bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was
              like someone had   1   the balls and left them out in the sun to bake.
                   They didn't look like much, but they   2   the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he walked
              along the beach, he   3   the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could. He thought little about
              it   4   he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open (裂开) on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious
              stone!   5  , the man started breaking open the   6   balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands
              of dollars   7   of jewels in the 20 or so leftover ones.
                   Then it   8   him. He'd been on the beach a long time, throwing maybe 50 or 60 of the balls, with their hidden
              treasure, into the   9  . Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he  10  have taken home tens of thousands but
              he had just thrown it away!
                   It's like that  11  people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, but we  12  see the clay shell. It doesn't
              look like much from the  13 . It isn't always beautiful or shining, so we  14  it. We see that person as less
              important than someone more  15  or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we haven't taken the time to find the
              treasure  16  inside that person.
                   There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person and ask God
              to show us that person the  17  he sees them, then the clay begins to  18  and the brilliant jewel begins to shine
              forth. May we not come to the  19  of our lives and find out that we've thrown away a  20  in friendships
              because the gems (宝石) were hidden in balls of clay! May we see the people in our world as God sees them.
              (     )1.A. invented    
              (     )2.A. confused   
              (     )3.A. dipped     
              (     )4.A. until      
              (     )5.A. Frightened 
              (     )6.A. shining    
              (     )7.A. worth    
              (     )8.A. shocked  
              (     )9.A. caves      
              (     )10.A. might      
              (     )11.A. with     
              (     )12.A. hardly     
              (     )13.A. distance   
              (     )14.A. removed    
              (     )15.A beautiful   
              (     )16.A. lost       
              (     )17.A. moment     
              (     )18.A. come off   
              (     )19.A. sight      
              (     )20.A. relation  B. rolled     
              B. encouraged 
              B. pushed     
              B. when       
              B. Determined 
              B. floating   
              B. value      
              B. rejected   
              B. waves      
              B. must       
              B. towards    
              B. actually   
              B. outside    
              B. suspected  
              B. cautious   
              B. hidden     
              B. point      
              B. break away      
              B. best       
              B. position    C. handled   
              C. interested
              C. kicked    
              C. since     
              C. Excited   
              C. surviving 
              C. cost      
              C. struck    
              C. seashore  
              C. could     
              C. about     
              C. simply    
              C. weight    
              C. ignored   
              C. positive  
              C. divided   
              C. degree    
              C. take over     
              C. middle    
              C. fortune    D. bounced     
              D. relaxed     
              D. threw       
              D. though      
              D. Disappointed
              D. remaining   
              D. wealth      
              D. delighted   
              D. storms      
              D. should      
              D. between             
              D. luckily     
              D. pattern     
              D. reserved    
              D. grateful    
              D. mixed       
              D. way         
              D. fall down   
              D. end         
              D. memory      
            • 4. 完形填空。
                   We should show respect (尊重) to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us-in age, in
              wisdom, in experience and education. Our   1   have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us   2  
               everything to their kindness and love.
                   When we   3   them respect, whether ii is by bowing to them, or   4   them with a smile, or offering them
              any help they need, it is one way of   5   our own love and gratitude (感激) to them.   6  , elders have also been
              through all the years you are   7   and know a little more about the world than you do.
                   It is   8   that you do not agree with the belief of your elders but this is nothing new. All younger generations
              have always   9   with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human  10 . However much
              you disagree with them, give them credit (信任) for their  11 .
                   With changing times and  12  influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to
              elders. Youngsters should  13  express their views and if there are arguments, they should not  14  their voices.
                   If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately  15  their places, and sit on the carpet. In
              buses and trains, youngsters are  16  to give up their places to older people. This is not a  17  of who has more
              rights. It is simply that those who are youngsters have the strength to bear  18 , or stand unpleasantness, so it
              is natural to show consideration (体贴) to those who are older and perhaps at a  19  disadvantage (劣势).
                   When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders  20  that youngsters care for them, and they respond
              with affection and kindness.
              (     )1.A. youngsters       
              (     )2.A. devote           
              (     )3.A. show             
              (     )4.A. greeting         
              (     )5.A. expressing       
              (     )6.A. However          
              (     )7.A. experiencing with          
              (     )8.A. maybe            
              (     )9.A. quarreled        
              (     )10.A. community        
              (     )11.A. experience       
              (     )12.A. cultural         
              (     )13.A. quietly          
              (     )14.A. rise             
              (     )15.A. give away        
              (     )16.A. expected         
              (     )17.A. doubt            
              (     )18.A. suffering        
              (     )19.A. serious          
              (     )20.A. realize           B. elders          
              B. owe          
              B. explain         
              B. receiving    
              B. describing      
              B. Therefore      
              B. going through
              B. likely        
              B. dealt         
              B. organization  
              B. reality      
              B. special       
              B. slightly      
              B. raise           
              B. get rid of    
              B. forced       
              B. question        
              B. pressure    
              B. light         
              B. say                              C. parents           
              C. pay              
              C. exhibit           
              C. supplying        
              C. sending          
              C. Besides          
              C. suffering from            
              C. perhaps          
              C. lived             
              C. society           
              C. emotion           
              C. environmental     
              C. silently         
              C. support           
              C. give up         
              C. needed            
              C. wonder           
              C. trouble           
              C. heavy             
              C. believe         

              D. juniors       
              D. give         
              D. point       
              D. showing        
              D. suggesting    
              D. Though      
              D. worrying out          
              D. probably     
              D. disagreed     
              D. public       
              D. information   
              D. position       
              D. coldly     
              D. low          
              D. send out    
              D. reminded      
              D. challenge    
              D. discomfort  
              D. slight        
              D. wonder    

