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            • 1. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.    
            • 2. Thousands of fans,now in their late teens and early twenties,grew up alongside Harry Potter.While he fought wizards(男巫) and struggled through(艰难通过) magic school,they battled middle school bullies (欺负) and exams.
              The stories have a special meaning for teenage fans-----particularly those who are"Harry's age".The Harry Potter movies are no longer an evening's entertainment but that of a lifetime.The beauty of the stories lies not in the supernatural effects,but in happiness,peace and good feelings among friends and family.
              In the spotlight,as always,is Harry's creator,J.K.Rowling,the woman who dreamed up (想出)the adventurous story and wrote it to the final page.
              By now over 400 million Harry Potter books have been sold and translated into more than 65 languages.The whole movies series has earned more than $7 billion around the world.The last one alone has become the world's most profitable movie series.
              51.Harry Potter books and movies are both very successful.    
              52.What really attracts the fans is Harry Potter's magic power.    
              53.Harry Potter movies have come out in over 65 languages.    
              54.J.K.Rowling is not so famous as Harry Potter.    
              55.Harry Potter stories have inspired many children in their childhood.    
