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            • 1. We live in a heavily edited world.People in pictures are no longer people-they are perfect human beings whom we can only try,and (1) ,to live up to.And food in pictures is no longer food.It"s (2) ,something to make you desire a lifestyle while (3) you that you"re not part of it.
              But people are getting (4) and tired of such perfection,leading to something Pamela Grossman,a director at Getty Images,calls"perfection fatigue(疲劳)".This new attitude is now (5) people to value something different: (6)
              The pizza company Domino"s,for example,is (7) the trend by encouraging its customers to (8) unedited pictures of their pizzas on social media,as part of the nofilter(未过滤的)movement that"s become so popular on Instagram.This may mean oily boxes. (9) cheese and less-than-delicious-looking meat,but these (10) show what we"re actually (11)
              "It"s (12) what it looks like when you really get a pizza,"Dennis Maloney,chief digital officer of Domino"s,told the website Fastcodesign."It feels much more honest and transparent when the images are imperfect."
              Things are also changing with perfect human images.For example,US clothing company Gap (13) a"Dress Normal"campaign in 2014, (14) simple clothes instead of smart suits like those of runway models.
              "We spend so much time trying to (15) our shortcomings owing to the fact that our (16) has set it up that we have to be (17) if we"re not perfect,"US filmmaker Cynthia Wade told The New York Times."I think people are tired of it.They"re suddenly much more willing to (18) the ugly or sarcastic."
              But while it"s probably true that we won"t see an (19) to"perfect"pictures any time soon,at least some people are starting to see that it can actually be (20) to be imperfect,or to use the name of one of American singer Grace VanderWaal"s albums,Perfectly Imperfect.

            • 2.
              An important part of any business relationship is informal conversation.Before you start a discussion, (1) ,make sure you understand which topics are (2) and which are considered taboo (禁忌) in a (3) culture.Latin Americans enjoy (4) information about their local history,art,and customs. (5) questions about your family,and be sure to show pictures of your children.You may feel free to ask (6) questions of your Latin American friends.The French think of conversation as an art (7) ,and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as (8) .For them,arguments can be interesting-and they can (9) pretty much or any topic- (10) they occur in are spiteful and intelligent manner.
              In the United States,business people like to discuss a (11) range of topics,including opinions about work,family,hobbies,and politics.In Japan,China,and Korea,however,people are much more private.They do not share much about (12) thoughts,feelings,or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away the harmonious business relationship they're trying to (13) .Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family (14) .It is considered (15) ,for example,to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.
              As a general (16) ,it's best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friends.This (17) get you into trouble, (18) in the United States,where people hold different religious views.In addition,discussing one's salary is usually considered unsuitable.Sports is (19) a friendly subject in most parts of the world,although be careful not to (20) a national sport.Instead,be friendly and praise your host's team.
              (1) A. besides B. however C. thus D. then
              (2) A. enjoyable B. respectable C. available D. suitable
              (3) A. particular B. special C. especial D. usual
              (4) A. requiring B. requesting C. speaking D. sharing
              (5) A. Prepare B. Collect C. Except D. Imaging
              (6) A. similar B. strange C. interesting D. favorable
              (7) A. lesson B. show C. form D. exhibition
              (8) A. agreements B. equipment C. disagreements D. instruments
              (9) A. say B. cover C. make D. hold
              (10) A. as far as B. even though C. as long as D. for fear that
              (11) A. long B. various C. wide D. small
              (12) A. other B. our C. your D. their
              (13) A. instruct B. direct C. control D. build
              (14) A. history B. matters C. tree D. pictures
              (15) A. rude B. polite C. curious D. dangerous
              (16) A. idea B. rule C. regulation D. direction
              (17) A. can B. must C. need D. should
              (18) A. even B. still C. never D. not
              (19) A. hardly B. instantly C. nearly D. typically
              (20) A. beat B. criticize C. strike D. organize
            • 3.
              The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish from each other a lot.This is because the culture systems are two separate systems (1)
              The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries:China and India.Both of the two cultures are gestated(孕育)by (2) .In China,the mother river is the Yellow River (3) the Indian one is the Hindu River.These two cultures were (4) for several thousand years and formed their own styles Then in the Tang Dynasty of China,the Chinese culture (5) went overseas to Japan, (6) into the Japanese society and (7) the Japanese culture nowadays.Though a bit different from the Chinese one,it (8) to the same system.
              When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture,another famous culture was (9) on the Mesopotamian Plain(美索不达米亚平原)-the Mesopotamian Civilization.This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.And these two are well-known as the (10) of the European culture. (11) the Chinese culture,the European one also (12) waters.When the colonists of England (13) in America,their culture went with them over,the Atlantic Ocean.So the American culture doesn't (14) from the European one a lot.
              At the same time,the (15) of the language systems adds to the cultural differences.In the East,most languages belong to the pictographic (象形文字的) language while the Western languages are (16) based on the Latin system,for example,the one I'm using to write this paper.
              Other factors like human race difference (17) counts as well.However, (18) the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West,the two cultures seldom (19) until recent centuries. (20) ,they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no-interference(干扰) from the other.

              (1) A. in all B. above all C. in no case D. on the whole
              (2) A. rivers B. lakes C. mountains D. plains
              (3) A. or B. for C. while D. when
              (4) A. improved B. developed C. created D. protected
              (5) A. gradually B. naturally C. suddenly D. quietly
              (6) A. changed B. mixed C. decided D. forced
              (7) A. expanded B. interrupted C. shaped D. influenced
              (8) A. comes B. belongs C. amounts D. adds
              (9) A. carried out B. given out C. brought up D. picked up
              (10) A. base B. sign C. result D. content
              (11) A. With B. Like C. Via D. Except
              (12) A. crossed B. formed C. affected D. spread
              (13) A. went up B. joined up C. settled down D. broke down
              (14) A. differ B. suffer C. result D. come
              (15) A. feature B. development C. appearance D. distinction
              (16) A. simply B. mostly C. properly D. partly
              (17) A. count B. reduce C. last D. change
              (18) A. in terns of B. in case of C. due to D. as to
              (19) A. communicate B. distinguish C. transform D. display
              (20) A. However B. Furthermore C. Meanwhile D. Therefore
            • 4. We humans love to make comparisons.On the market,we (1) to find the best ones.In the classroom teachers compare their students to the (2) .And parents compare their children to his or her peers to (3) an idea of what is"normal".
              (4) ,comparisons of any kind come with a sting(刺痛) for everyone.When parents make it clear to anyone that their children are (5) to all other children in all ways,they put their children under (6) .Some children will obey when they are pressured to (7) their parents'need for perfection; others may (8) ,trying to be just like any other kid,or,better still,to be just who they are.In other (9) ,parents who compare their children to other children might end up (10) their children are somehow"deficient(有缺点的)".And,again,they pressure their children to be (11) enough.
              A most disturbing (12) of all this comparing is that it pushes children into the destructive world of competition."In a (13) culture,a child is told that it isn't enough to be good---he or she must (14) others,"writes Alfie Kohn,a parenting expert.
              According to Kohn,research doesn't (15) the theory that competition brings success.One after another,researchers have concluded that children don't learn better (16) education is changed into a competitive struggle.Competition prevents a child's ability (17) not only educationally but socially,too.
              So, (18) competition,cooperation!Instead of (19) other people's children,parents need to pay close attention to their own,learn who they are,discover their interests and talents,and teach them how to cooperate with others.They will need role models to (20) them.

            • 5.


            • 6.
              At least once a day our old black cat comes to one of us in a way that we see as a special request.It does not mean he wants to be fed or to be (1) .His need is for something very (2)
              If you have a (3) handy,he'11 jump into it; if you don't,he's likely to stand there looking sad (4) you make him one.Once in it,he (5) to purr(发咕噜声)almost before you gently touch his back,or (6) his chin.Then he twists to get (7) .He looks at you with wide open eyes of adoration (8) you the cat's long slow blink(眨眼)of extreme (9) .After a while,little by little he (10) quiets down.If he senses it's all right,he may stay (11) your lap for a cozy nap.But he is just as likely to walk away about his (12)
              In our household he isn't the only one who has that need:I (13) it and so does my wife.We know the need is necessary to any one age group.Still,because I am a (14) as well as a parent,I (15) it especially with youngsters,with their sudden need for a (16) ,a warm lap,a hand held out,not because anything is (17) ,just because that's the (18) they are.
              There are a lot of things I'd like to do for all (19) .If I could do just one,it would be this:to (20) every kid,everywhere,at least one good purring every day.
              Kids,like cats,need time to purr.

              (1) A. dressed up B. laid off C. let out D. turned in
              (2) A. disgusting B. conventional C. annoying D. different
              (3) A. hole B. trap C. pocket D. lap
              (4) A. when B. until C. since D. after
              (5) A. begins B. decides C. expects D. fails
              (6) A. bite B. scratch C. shave D. beat
              (7) A. comfortable B. secure C. attractive D. peaceful
              (8) A. lending B. giving C. owing D. teaching
              (9) A. anger B. pride C. caution D. trust
              (10) A. permanently B. quickly C. gradually D. frequently
              (11) A. in B. beneath C. above D. off
              (12) A. business B. entertainment C. relaxation D. sport
              (13) A. understand B. satisfy C. share D. accept
              (14) A. hunter B. schoolman C. explorer D. volunteer
              (15) A. discuss B. appreciate C. protect D. associate
              (16) A. picnic B. holiday C. talk D. hug
              (17) A. inconvenient B. wrong C. controversial D. urgent
              (18) A. reason B. course C. way D. result
              (19) A. animals B. schools C. children D. families
              (20) A. guarantee B. pass C. return D. tell
            • 7.
              Americans prefer to try every way to have fun.For example,they drive their own cars,some even tow a small boat after vehicle.They start from Los Angeles,California under sun, (1) through four or five hundred miles to go to La Fulin,Colorado to spend weekends (2) Chinese people are still busy with work,and have dinner at home together with families on weekends or (3) time watching TV.
              The difference is mainly due to cultural customs and traditions (4) the two countries.It is said that Chinese people are living for others,while Americans are for (5) .When Chinese people come to the United States,they fight for (6) first,and then desperately make money after they are recognized by others.It seems that,the purpose to earn money is not to enjoy life, (7) for their following generations:sons and daughters and even grandchildren.Chinese people prefer to save money (8) emergency'such as illness.Although Chinese people with (9) in the United States don't need to worry about their own social welfare and health insurance,they work still very hard, (10) they hope that they can save more money.
              Chinese people's interest is in the amount on the passbook,so they spend (11) money usually.Most of Chinese are very thrifty(节俭的; 节约的),and they are (12) to spend money,but there are exceptions.They are willing to spend money on their (13) .Many Chinese people think that,they endure many (14) ,so they wish that their children could live much better.Therefore,in the United States elementary schools,you can see that those who (15) the best clothes,with more pocket money are Chinese students.In contrast,American children dress very simply,with just a little pocket money.
              (16) Chinese,Americans believe in living for themselves.They do everything for their own. (17) ,they earn money to enjoy a (18) life,and pursue a higher quality of life.As for their own parents or children,they think that parents have their own pension and social welfare,and children should live a(n) (19) life when they are 18years old.So they could boldly spend money on themselves. (20) ,Americans save little money.In the street,it is easy for Chinese to take out 300-400dollars,but it is hard to say for Americans.
              (1) A. running B. driving C. going D. walking
              (2) A. until B. if C. while D. when
              (3) A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay
              (4) A. through B. for C. among D. between
              (5) A. themselves B. theirs C. them D. others
              (6) A. survival B. remainder C. existence D. material
              (7) A. or B. nor C. but D. and
              (8) A. in possession of B. on account of
              C. in spite of D. in case of
              (9) A. identity B. force C. fame D. power
              (10) A. though B. unless C. so D. as
              (11) A. large B. few C. much D. little
              (12) A. easy B. reluctant C. willing D. happy
              (13) A. children B. relatives C. parents D. friends
              (14) A. hardships B. problems C. difficulties D. sufferings
              (15) A. match B. decorate C. dress D. wear
              (16) A. Different from B. Interested in
              C. Similar to D. Thanks to
              (17) A. Otherwise B. However C. Therefore D. Since
              (18) A. better B. well C. good D. rich
              (19) A. single B. independent C. different D. comfortable
              (20) A. In that case B. As a whole
              C. In this way D. As a result.
            • 8.
              We humans love to make comparisons.On the market,we (1) to find the best ones.In the classroom teachers compare their students to the (2) .And parents compare their children to his or her peers to (3) an idea of what is"normal".
              (4) ,comparisons of any kind come with a sting(刺痛) for everyone.When parents make it clear to anyone that their children are (5) to all other children in all ways,they put their children under (6) .Some children will obey when they are pressured to (7) their parents'need for perfection; others may (8) ,trying to be just like any other kid,or,better still,to be just who they are.In other (9) ,parents who compare their children to other children might end up (10) their children are somehow"deficient(有缺点的)".And,again,they pressure their children to be (11) enough.
              A most disturbing (12) of all this comparing is that it pushes children into the destructive world of competition."In a (13) culture,a child is told that it isn't enough to be good---he or she must (14) others,"writes Alfie Kohn,a parenting expert.
              According to Kohn,research doesn't (15) the theory that competition brings success.One after another,researchers have concluded that children don't learn better (16) education is changed into a competitive struggle.Competition prevents a child's ability (17) not only educationally but socially,too.
              So, (18) competition,cooperation!Instead of (19) other people's children,parents need to pay close attention to their own,learn who they are,discover their interests and talents,and teach them how to cooperate with others.They will need role models to (20) them.

              (1) A. see B. touch C. sell D. compare
              (2) A. mature B. new C. model D. overseas
              (3) A. get B. use C. share D. explain
              (4) A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Besides
              (5) A. harmful B. superior C. responsible D. thankful
              (6) A. pressure B. control C. discussion D. consideration
              (7) A. express B. prove C. satisfy D. create
              (8) A. disappear B. wait C. resist D. rest
              (9) A. cases B. words C. ways D. nations
              (10) A. denying B. deciding C. predicting D. concluding
              (11) A. honest B. good C. patient D. polite
              (12) A. process B. consequence C. purpose D. method
              (13) A. traditional B. scientific C. political D. competitive
              (14) A. defeat B. accept C. recognize D. choose
              (15) A. test B. challenge C. support D. change
              (16) A. since B. until C. when D. unless
              (17) A. losing B. progressing C. showing D. reducing
              (18) A. apart from B. because of C. as for D. instead of
              (19) A. shouting at B. laughing at C. looking at D. striking at
              (20) A. guide B. force C. invite D. expect
            • 9.
              A Very Special Special Olympian
              The professor was searching for student volunteers in the lecture room for a Special Olympics event.As the sign-up sheet went up and down the rows,I started to come up with my (1) .Maybe it was the distance to the college where the event was to take place,or the early hour that (2) had to report for duty.Whatever the reasons that made me hesitate,I am thankful to this day that I (3) up volunteering.If I had missed the event,I would have missed one of the most unforgettable moments that I have ever (4)
              I arrived at the volunteer tent bright and early.My task was (5) .I was to stand at the finish line only and wait until the event was over and then take the (6) to the announcing booth(公告处).Standing at the finish line,I was able to witness many amazing efforts and close races.I was most impressed by the effort each athlete put into his or her (7) .What also impressed me was the sincere (8) each athlete expressed while participating though sometimes the joy of participating in a sporting event can get (9) in the fierce competition of winning and losing.
              Then an amazing moment happened right before my eyes.A group of athletes were (10)
              up to run a short race.One of them was in a wheelchair,a little girl with a (11) smile,wearing bright bows in her hair.Her smile filled the stadium that day.I couldn't help but smile back at her.
              The gun sounded.They were off.Runners sped up in the (12) with all their might.My eyes
              (13) for the little girl with the bright bows.There she was,pumping her arms with all the
              (14) she had.Her efforts were getting little result,but that did not stop her.I noticed as she got closer that she also had an injured arm.But that did not stop this bright star.The race was long over (15) the young athlete kept pumping her arms.As she finally (16) the finish line,the noise of the crowd was thunderous.There I stood (17) ,with tears falling down my cheeks.
              After all these years,I can still hear those cheers.I wish I could thank that remarkable athlete for what her efforts (18) this unmotivated college guy.I grew up a lot that day because of the (19) of that little girl in the wheelchair.I was (20) that day of a poem from a book that states,"Whatever you do,do it with all your might."
              (1) A. ideas B. plans C. suggestions D. excuses
              (2) A. runners B. students C. volunteers D. advisors
              (3) A. gave B. ended C. stayed D. woke
              (4) A. ignored B. controlled C. witnessed D. imagined
              (5) A. simple B. difficult C. interesting D. tiring
              (6) A. prize B. athlete C. result D. winner
              (7) A. mind B. event C. victory D. body
              (8) A. joy B. belief C. trust D. confidence
              (9) A. stuck B. increased C. respected D. lost
              (10) A. mixed B. called C. lined D. piled
              (11) A. huge B. narrow C. weak D. hard
              (12) A. court B. track C. field D. platform
              (13) A. hoped B. cared C. prepared D. searched
              (14) A. desires B. courage C. energy D. dreams
              (15) A. but B. and C. or D. so
              (16) A. felt B. neared C. took D. raised
              (17) A. cheering B. waiting C. calculating D. recording
              (18) A. paid B. owed C. disappointed D. taught
              (19) A. honesty B. bravery C. popularity D. creativity
              (20) A. warned B. persuaded C. informed D. reminded.
            • 10.

              An elderly woman told the police that, as she entered a restroom, she was slightly pushed by a woman behind her. A few minutes later, as she was about to ____41___ for a moustache remover at a nearby store, she discovered that her wallet was ____42_____ from her purse. Apparently the woman who had _____43____ her had cleverly stolen her wallet. This type of _____44___ is called pick-pocketing.

                 Perhaps an even more personal kind of theft is known a housebreaking, or ___45____. After such an accident, the victims often report a feeling of ____46____. They seldom regain the comfort and ____47____ they used to have in their home. They ____48____ feel like they are being watched; they feel that if they go out, the burglars will again ____49_____. They feel uncomfortable when they are home, and they also feel uncomfortable when they ____50_____.

              Burglars get lucky or make their own luck. Sometimes homeowners forget to ____51_____ all their windows or doors. Sometimes burglars will break a window, cut through a screen door, or force _____52_____ a side door.

              Thieves have no ____53____.They will steal from anyone that they think is vulnerable(脆弱的),and that means the ___54____are their frequent victims. Some thieves are very clever, some are very lucky, but all of _____55_____ make an honest person’s life more _____56____. It’s too bad that all of them can’t be caught and ___57____ into honest people.

                  Imagine that: a world with no thief, a world where you can ____58____ your bicycle unsecured on the sidewalk, or leave your purse ____59_____ in your shopping cart. Is this only a(n) ___60____? Some say that if you can dream about it, it can be realized.

