优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1)He told us some amusing _________ (轶事) of the Presidentˈs childhood.

              (2) This material absorbs the sound, and doesnˈt r_________ it.

              (3) The girls who laughed loudly suddenly became _______(意识到) of people looking at them.

              (4) Recent years have w________ the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence.

              (5) He was ___________(推荐)for the post by a colleague.

              (6) Students are encouraged to p_________ in some social practice.

              (7)One’s ability isn’t ________ (有关的)to where he is from.

              (8)He is widely a___________ to be the best football player in the world.

              (9)The teacher ___________ (分发) the books to the students.

              (10)I did little _____________ (准备) for the examination.

            • 2.


              (1). He became ________ to smoking and just couldn’t stop it.(addict)

              (2).  With the government aid, those ________(affect) by the flood have moved to the new places.

              (3).  How to deal with crimes_______(relate) to drug addictions?

              (4).  His lung hurt when he made a deep_______. (breathe)

              (5). _______ do I exercise these days.(rare)

              (6).  He was_______(anxiety) to finish school and make a living in the society.

              (7).  After _______(graduate),he reached a point in his career where he decided what to do.

              (8).  Mozart’s birthplace where he _________(compose) The Magic Flute is a place of interest now.

              (9). Hardly had he ________(conduct) the music when all the audience gave him a huge applause.

              (10). Chopin was one of the ______(lead) pianist in Poland.

            • 3.

              1)Freedom needs to be ________(保证)by responsibility.

              2)Could you please ________(通知) me how to go about contacting a lawyer?

              3)This photograph is too small,please ________(扩大) it for me.

              4)If you want to ________(保证) that you catch the plane,take a taxi.

              5)A ________(准时的) person always finishes everything ahead of time.

              6)Several ________(十年) have passed since I graduated from the college.

              7)Can you ________(达到,实现)the goal you have set yourselves? Iˈm determined to my purpose at any cost.

              8)Itˈs amazing how closely Brian and Steve ________(像) each other.

              9)He always keeps a pen ________(方便使用的) for signing for his fans.

              10)Can I ________(下载) more than one file at a time?

            • 4.

              (1) How much did your bike ____________ (使花费) you?

              (2)Have you got any ____________ (零钱) for a twenty-pound note?

              (3)We couldn’t ____________ (买得起) a TV in those days.

              (4)She is ____________ (使挨饿) herself, trying to lose weight.

              (5) She was only a few pounds ____________ (超重的).

              (6)These pills should relieve his ____________ (身体的) suffering.

              (7)He put a grape into the mouth and ____________ (吞下) it without chewing.

              (8)Competitors will be ____________ (裁判) on speed and accuracy.

              (9)The team ____________ (比赛项目) will take place later this week.

              (10)Tony was an outstanding athlete and __________ (值得) to win.

              (11) We need to hurry or we’ll miss our ____________ (航班).

              (12)He braked too late and ____________ (猛撞) into the car in front.

              (13) He was ____________ (处…以罚金) $50 for driving without lights.

              (14)The new tax laws will clearly ____________ (有益于) those on low wages.

            • 5.





            • 6.

              (1)With the price _____________ (go) up so fast, we can’t afford the luxury furniture.

              (2)Tom, Chairman of the Students’ Union, _____________ (consider) one of the most helpful students in our school.

              (3)I’m sorry, Sir. I was lost in the _____________ (extreme) exciting story by Mark Twain so that I missed your question.

              (4)I’d appreciate _____________ if you could give me a chance to work with you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

              (5) I together with my parents and neighbors, _____________ (walk) the dogs when the lorry crashed into the tree, taking the traffic light for granted.

              (6) It doesn’t make much of a difference _____________ it rains or shines. We are going to have an evening party as planned.

              (7)Although it was pouring down cats and dogs, I hurried to the bus station out of breath, only to be told that he _____________ (leave).

              (8) _____________ (thank) to your help in time, my grandpa is feeling better now. Otherwise, I dare say, he would have had a close encounter with death.

              (9)I will never forget the years _____________ I worked with the farmers in the countryside, which has a profound effect on my career as a writer now.

              (10)Every one of us should do whatever we can to stop our environment going from bad to _____________ (bad). Only in this way can we have a better life in the future.

            • 7.

              get away with,  according to,  set off,  in debt, account for,  to be honest,  bring up

              (1) After a heated discussion, we decided to go out for a travel. We ______________ early the next morning. (2) His business failed, and he is heavily_______________ now. (3) If I cheat in the examination, do you think I might_______________ it? (4) His grandmother _____________him __________in the countryside last year. (5) Unhealthy diet _________________ your weakness. Instead of meat and fat, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. (6) _____________ a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in

                the last 500 years.

              (7) ______________, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.
            • 8.

              You have to have such a lotpatiencewhen you’re dealing with kids.(           )                 

            • 9. (1)As we know, china has become the largest trading partner for the ________(major) of its neighbors.

              (2)The player was likely ______(win) the 100-metre hurdles, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.

              (3)Many teachers strongly object to ________(smoke) at school.

              (4)He worked hard before the college entrance examination, and it paid ______.His dream of going to college came true.

              (5)_________ was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

              (6)We will buy the old house as long as it is _______ good condition.

              (7)The message ________ the plane will take off on time makes everybody happy.

              (8).The government of china stands on the side of countries that are __________ favour of peace.

              (9)There are bound ______(be) changes when the new system is introduced.

            • 10.

              (1)It’s very rude to stick your _____________ (舌头) out at people.

              (2) My grandma has very poor ____________ (视力).

              (3)James leaned over to _____________ (低声讲) something to Michael.

              (4)Are you married or ______ (单身的).

              (5) Sally was ______ (收养) when she was four.

              (6)The old black and white TV was the only electrical _____________ (设备) of his family.

              (7)The flat_____________ (出租)at$2,000 a month.

              (8)Cable TV is _____________ (收费) at $30 per year in our community.

