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            • 1. I was fifteen years when Dad called my two younger brothers and me into the entertainment room of our house.I was (1) !I thought we would play games or even see movies together!"Bring a notebook and something to write with,"said my dad (2) we reached the entertainment room.My brothers and I stopped dead in our tracks and (3) each other in horror!His request was unusual,and our excitement turned to (4) .We (5) that games or movies were not the reason we were called out.
              As we went back for a notebook and pencil,we (6) to think about the reason for this gathering.We thought family meeting was not (7) because Mom was out shopping.In the entertainment room,we found three chairs (8) a huge blackboard.Dad asked us to sit down."I want your full (9) .We are going to have a weekly meeting every Saturday morning.That is (10) I"ve called you here,"he said,sounding businesslike."I"m going to teach you what I"ve learned about life.So take it (11) ."
              For the next five years,rain or sunshine,in sickness or in health,Dad (12) us once a week.He taught us on a variety of (13) -manners,the importance of education,respect for others,home repairs,and the list went (14) .We filled one notebook after another,which we all (15) well.
              As I came to my eighteenth birthday,the lessons became (16) lessons and then every other month,until they slowly drifted away.My brothers and I were older,and we had school activities,sports activities and job responsibilities that became very (17) to manage.
              It"s been years now since we had those classes with Dad.We are (18) with careers (事业) and wives of our own.Very often, (19) ,one of us has a situation where we need help from Dad.At this time,we (20) take out our notebooks; we needn"t call home.

            • 2.
                    The saying that children don’t like reading any more has been proved untrue. A new study finds that 75 percent of kids between five and seventeen say that although they love technology, they still want to read books.
                    The Kids & Family Reading Report also says that 62 percent of kids prefer reading printed books rather than those on a computer. At the same time, t hose who search an author’s website or use the Internet to find books by a particular author, are more likely to read books for fun every day.
                    The study also once again proves that the time kids spend reading books for fun decreases after the age of eight and continues to drop through the teen years. The report is a follow-up to a 2006 study. But this time the focus is on the role of technology and when kids’ interest in reading starts to drop.
                    “Despite the fact that after the age of eight more children go online daily than read for fun daily, high frequency Internet users are more likely to read books for fun every day,” says Heather Carter, a writer of the report.
                    One in four kids between five and seventeen say they read books for fun every day and more than half say they read books for fun at least two to three times a week. One of the key reasons they don’t read more often is that they have trouble finding books they like—a requirement that parents underestimate (低估).
                    The study also finds that parents have a strong influence on kids’ reading, but only about half of all parents begin reading to their kids before their first birthday. The percent of children who are read to every day drops from 38 percent among five-to eight-year-olds to 23 percent among nine-to 11-year-olds—exactly the same time that kids’ daily reading for fun starts to drop.
                    “Parents’ engagement (参与) in their child’s reading from birth all the way through the teen years can have a great influence (影响) on how often their children read and how much they enjoy reading,” adds Carter.
              (1) What can we learn from the text?
              A. Children don’t like reading any more after the age of 8.  
              B. Most children like reading as well as going online.    
              C. All kids like reading e-books instead of printed ones.    
              D. Most children like going online instead of reading.
              (2) It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
              A. the 2006 study also deals with kids’ reading  
              B. most parents start reading to kids from their birth     
              C. the Internet stops kids from reading for fun     
              D. parents’ engagement takes kids’ reading time away
              (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
              A. The kids who often go online don’t like reading books.  
              B. Parents should teach their kids reading from an early age.   
              C. Sometimes it is hard for kids to find the books they like.    
              D. When kids get older, parents spend more time with them.
              (4) What’s the best title of the passage?
              A. Do Kids Still Like Reading?           
              B. Kids’ Interest in Reading Drops     
              C. New Technology for Kids’ Reading  
              D. Parents’ Influence on Kids’ Reading
            • 3.

              Every bride wants her wedding to be the most wonderful day of her life. However, perfect weddings require careful planning, whether the bride and groom are planning a traditional wedding or just a registry office ceremony. Paying for the wedding, which is always a problem, will partly decide the choice.

                  The bride's clothes, which are usually expensive, require careful selection. Many brides choose to wear a white wedding dress for a Western ceremony, and a red Chinese wedding gown for a traditional evening banquet. Both are costly to buy, but there are shops from which they can be hired.  These can also supply the groom's outfits(服装): a dinner jacket for the Western ceremony and traditional Chinese clothes for the banquet.

                  Flowers are important to most weddings. The bride and the bridesmaids usually carry bouquets. Centuries ago, Western brides carried bunches of flowers, some of which were bad-smelling, to keep evil spirits away. Nowadays, couples prefer more fragrant flowers, so they should contact a good florist(花商).

                  The wedding stationery(婚礼用品) may include invitations, photo albums, menus, etc. The best idea is that the couple consult a specialist printer, who can give helpful advice.

                  Many people travel to a wedding by car. It would be terrible if the car broke down on the way to the ceremony, so the couple should remember to book a good limousine(豪华轿车).

                  After the wedding, the bride and groom may have a traditional banquet or a Western-style reception. We suggest that they reserve the restaurant and select the menu months before the wedding. People who want to be different could hold the event in a park or on a boat.

                  Years afterwards, the married couple will want to look back at their wedding photos. It is essential that they resist the temptation to ask a favourite uncle to take the photographs. Otherwise, later, they may wish that they had booked a photographer who specializes in weddings.

                  The couple should also think about the place where the photographer will take the photos. It does not always have to be on the steps of the registry office. For example, one couple decided to have theirs taken in a swimming pool!

              (1) According to the passage, the groom should wear ________ for the banquet.
              A. a white wedding dress
              B. a dinner jacket
              C. a red Chinese wedding gown
              D. traditional Chinese clothes
              (2) What's the purpose of western brides' carrying some bad-smelling flowers hundreds of years ago?
              A. To express their dislike of flowers.
              B. To show they couldn't afford fragrant flowers.
              C. To tell people they couldn't find a good florist.
              D. To keep evil spirits away.
              (3) The bride and groom are advised to ________.
              A. ask a favourite uncle to take the photographs
              B. hold the event in a swimming pool
              C. book a good limousine
              D. reserve the restaurant and select the menu months after the wedding
              (4) The best title of the passage might be ________.
              A. Paying for the wedding
              B. Planning for the perfect wedding
              C. Ways to celebrate a wedding
              D. What to wear and eat in a wedding
            • 4.


              1.&;     促进文化交流,拓宽视野……

              2.       满足国民消费需求……

              3.       ……


              1.       破坏旅游资源……

              2.       有损国家形象……

              3.       ……


              参考词汇:不文明的uncivilized              形象image

              注意:1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

                    2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

                    3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

              With the development of economy, an increasing number of Chinese people travel abroad as a way of relaxation.










            • 5.


              Big or small, rejection affects us all. Harry Potter was rejected. So was The Twilight Saga. If authors J. K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer hadn’t kept trying with publisher after publisher, we’d all have missed out on some great adventures.

              Rejection doesn’t have to be about the big thing like not getting into your top college, not making the team, or not getting asked to the prom (舞会). Everyday situations can lead to the feeling of rejection, too, like if your joke doesn’t get a laugh, if no one remembers to save you a seat at the lunch table, or if the person you really like talks to everyone but you.

              Feeling rejected is the opposite of feeling accepted. But being rejected (and we will all be at times) doesn’t mean someone isn’t liked, valued, or important. It just means that one time, in one situation, with one person, things didn’t work out.

              Rejection hurts. But it’s impossible to avoid it altogether. In fact, you don’t want to— people who become too afraid of rejection might hold back from going after something they want. Sure, they avoid rejection, but they’re also 100% guaranteed to miss out on what they want but won’t try for.


              1.以约3 0个词概括上文的主要内容。

              2.以约120个词就“How to deal with rejection”这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括:






            • 6.

                   Does your local town have a nickname (绰号)? If so, what does it say about the area and the people who live there?

                   Many cities are recognized across the world by their unofficial names. New York is the Big Apple, London is the Big Smoke, and Los Angeles is famously called La La Land.

                   A project has been carried out to make a survey on how the nicknames of some places came about. The University of Winchester’s Professor Bill Lucas is a patron (赞助者) of the English Project. He explains that unofficial place names often show what people think about a place.

                “The name that people create for a place forms a connection with feelings,” he says.

                   Basingstoke is a town in central England. The local nickname, Amazingstoke, shows the love that locals seem to have for the area.

              Swindon, on the other hand, is sometimes called Swindump, showing that some people think it’s a dump (垃圾场). Stanford Le Hope in Essex is called Stanford No Hope by locals. And Padstow in Cornwall is so closely connected with the local famous person Rick Stein that it’s become known as Padstein.

                    Some people say that the project may have a practical use. Glen Hart, the survey’s head of research, says the information could be very helpful to the emergency services, for example. “By having the most complete set of nicknames we could help the emergency services(应急服务机构)quickly locate the right place as soon as possible, for people usually remember the nicknames of some places instead of their official names. And this will take the helpers less time to reach the places.” he says.

              (1) The best title of the passage can be ________.
              A. People’s Attitudes to Nicknames                          
              B. A Survey on Nicknames
              C. Development of Nicknames                                    
              D. Usefulness of Nicknames
              (2) The underlines word “locate” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.
              A. search                            
              B. visit                          
              C. mark                          
              D. find
              (3) It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
              A. every famous place has a nickname  
              B. the town Swindon must be a clean place
              C. sometimes nicknames can help save lives 
              D. Rick Stein nicknamed Padstow Padstein
            • 7.


              How do people traditionally manufacture (制造) things? They usually start with a sheet of metal, wood or other material and cut, drill (钻) and shave it to create a desired shape. Sometimes, they use a mold (模具) made of metal or sand, pour liquid plastic or metal into it and let it cool to create a solid part.
                 Now, a completely different method is gaining popularity.
                 On Oct. 9, 2015, London Science Museum kicked off its new exhibition, 3-D: Printing the Future, with over 600 3 -D printed objects on display, including space probes (探测器), toy dolls and even human organs – basically any product you can think of, reported Live Science.
                 You might find it hard to believe that an object can actually be “printed out” like a picture. But it is not that hard to understand how it works. Just as a traditional printer sprays(喷洒) ink onto paper line by line, modern 3-D printers spread material onto a surface layer by layer, from the bottom to the top, gradually building up a shape.
                 Instead of ink, the materials the 3-D printer uses are mainly plastic, resin (树脂) and certain metals. The thinner each layer is – from a millimeter to less than the width of a hair – the smoother and finer the object will be. And objects always come out in one piece, sparing you the trouble of putting different parts together afterward.
                 For example, 10 years ago a desktop 3-D printer might have cost£20,000 (200,000 yuan), while now it costs only about£1,000, according to the BBC. In fact, 3-D printers have been around for some time, but until recently they hadn’t been very popular since few people could afford them. Last year, though, saw a big decrease in the price of 3-D printers.
                 However, as 3-D printing technology becomes more commonplace(普通的), it may trigger(引起) certain problems. One of them is piracy (盗版). “Once you can download a coffee maker, or print out a new set of kitchen utensils (餐具) on your personal 3-D printer, who will visit a retail (零售的) store again?” an expert on 3-D printing told Forbes News.
                 Even more frightening, the world’s first 3-D printed gun was successfully fired in the US in May of this year, which means that 3-D printing could potentially give more people access to weapons.

              (1) According to the article, in the future, 3-D printing technology will probably ______.
              A. forbid many countries to make purchases of weapons
              B. be applied as widely in our daily lives as computers
              C. change the way people make products
              D. take the place of normal printers and save lots of energy
              (2) What was the big event that happened in the 3-D printing industry last year?
              A. Over 600 3-D printed objects were on display in an exhibition.
              B. The 3-D printer became more affordable for consumers.
              C. 3-D printing technology came to be used in various fields.
              D. The world’s first 3-D printed gun was successfully made.
              (3) Which of the following statement is true about 3-D printing technology?


              A. People have been able to produce anything they can think of using this technology.


              B. The thinner each layer 3-D printers spray on the surface is , the smaller and better the object will be.
              C. The materials the 3-D printer uses are plastic, resin (树脂) and certain metals as well as ink.
              D. Despite the popularity of 3-D printing technology, there exist some potential problems
              (4) What is the author’s attitude toward 3-D printing technology?
              A. Objective.      B. Amused.    
              C. Supportive.              D. Negative.
            • 8.

              Wishing Away

              Have you ever noticed how people always want to be something they’re not?

              Tall want to be short, young long to age, single dream of marriage, and no matter what body shape, everyone wants to lose at least another five pounds.

              It’s almost like a natural preoccupation (天性), this wishing away of our lives.

              Think about it. When was the last time you heard someone say, “I am totally satisfied with myself and my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

              It just doesn’t happen. So, I have this idea to create a virtual reality machine that would allow people to actually experience the life of their dreams. For instance, for all the women who live with the unanswered hope that their husband will one day wait at the back door with a dozen roses and a cool bottle of Dom Perignon... the opportunity to live with Prince Charming.

              Or, for sports fans, how about the chance to score the winning goal, kick the overtime field goal, drive the victory lap, or hit that “must-win” two pointer at the buzzer? Music fans might choose to jump onstage and perform with their favorite rock band or conduct a full orchestral symphony.

              The possibilities are endless.

              But I wonder about the down side to such an invention. Would experiencing the dreams of a lifetime really make us better people? Iˈm not sure of that answer, or of the true possibility of such an invention.

              But what I am sure of is that perfection is often over-evaluated.




              (1) 陈述你对上文的观点;

              (2) 用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。


              1. 发表观点时必须提供理由或论据;

              2. 阐述观点或提供论据或叙述经历时,不能直接引用原文语句;

              3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

              4. 不必写标题。

            • 9.

                What is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we learn our language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say and tries to imitate (模仿) what he hears. When he wants something he has to ask for it. He is using the language, talking   in it, thinking in it all the time. If people had to use a second language all the time they would learn it quickly.

                 We learn our own language by hearing people speak it, not by seeing eat they write. We imitate what we hear. In school, though you learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak, it is best to learn all the  new words through the ear. You can read them, spell them and write them later.

              (1) A small child learns to say by imitating.
              A. what people think            
              B. what people do
              C. what people say              
              D. what people hear
              (2) People can lean a language quickly if they
              A. imitate it                             B. ask for it
              C. use it from time to time    D. hear it
              (3) It is best to learn new words through ________ first.
              A. reading      B. spelling    
              C. listening     D. writing
              (4) What is the sway to learn a language?
              A. Listening to what people say       
              B. Imitating what people do
              C. Using the language all the time      
              D. Bothe A and  C
