优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it

            • 2.


              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 3.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 4.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 5.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 6.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 7.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 8.



              A. to help sb.to do sth.
              B. any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with
              C. to change your opinions or plans,for example because of sth.you have learned
              D. to give a title to a book,play,etc.
              E. to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type
              F. enough or more than enough
              G. to look for information on a computer
              H. a small piece of paper,especially one for writing on or with sth.printed on it
            • 9.

              __  (1)  __ When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view.

              The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels.__  (2)  __.

              The first and most basic level of wants involves food.Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears:clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War Ⅱthese wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.__  (3)  __It included such items as automobiles and new houses.

              By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction-the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment. __  (4)  __

              On this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?

              A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime and prejudice. __  (5)  __In this way, we can enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

              (1) A. Then a third level appeared.

              B. Human wants seem endless.

              C. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appears.

              D. There are several levels of wants in oneˈs life.

              E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health,safety, and leisure.

              F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

              G. Different people have different wants on each level.

              (2) A. Then a third level appeared.

              B. Human wants seem endless.

              C. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appears.

              D. There are several levels of wants in oneˈs life.

              E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health,safety, and leisure.

              F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

              G. Different people have different wants on each level.

              (3) A. Then a third level appeared.

              B. Human wants seem endless.

              C. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appears.

              D. There are several levels of wants in oneˈs life.

              E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health,safety, and leisure.

              F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

              G. Different people have different wants on each level.

              (4) A. Then a third level appeared.

              B. Human wants seem endless.

              C. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appears.

              D. There are several levels of wants in oneˈs life.

              E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health,safety, and leisure.

              F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

              G. Different people have different wants on each level.

              (5) A. Then a third level appeared.

              B. Human wants seem endless.

              C. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appears.

              D. There are several levels of wants in oneˈs life.

              E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health,safety, and leisure.

              F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

              G. Different people have different wants on each level.

            • 10.

              We all have our favourite teachers — those who treat us equally. But what about those teachers we donˈt know as well (for even donˈt like much)?

              You can do lots of things to get a relation with your teacher. First, do the following:   (1)  Complete all homework on time. Be attentive, be respectful, and ask questions.  (2)   Obviously, your teachers are really interested in their subjects or they wouldnˈt have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you care, even if youˈre not good at math or fluent in French — send the message that you are a dedicated student.

              You can also schedule a private meeting during a teacherˈs free period.   (3)  You can ask questions, inquire about a career in the subject, or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed one on one than when lecturing in front of the whole class.

              However, here are some things to avoid when trying to establish a relationship with your teacher:

                (4)  Teachers sense when your only motivation is to get special treatment, a college reference, or a job suggestion.

              Trying to be teachersˈ pet. You just attract the teachersˈ attention on purpose and your classmates may start to hate you.

                (5)   Itˈs OK to offer a small sign of thanks to teachers if theyˈve been helpful to you. But a teacher is usually not allowed to accept the wrong message, and a teacher is usually not allowed to accept anything expensive.

              (1) A. Giving expensive gifts.

              B. Show up for class on time.

              C. Not being sincere.

              D. Find the practical value in classes.

              E. Use this time to get extra help.

              F. Show an interest in the subject.

              G. Get along better with your teachers.

              (2) A. Giving expensive gifts.

              B. Show up for class on time.

              C. Not being sincere.

              D. Find the practical value in classes.

              E. Use this time to get extra help.

              F. Show an interest in the subject.

              G. Get along better with your teachers.

              (3) A. Giving expensive gifts.

              B. Show up for class on time.

              C. Not being sincere.

              D. Find the practical value in classes.

              E. Use this time to get extra help.

              F. Show an interest in the subject.

              G. Get along better with your teachers.

              (4) A. Giving expensive gifts.

              B. Show up for class on time.

              C. Not being sincere.

              D. Find the practical value in classes.

              E. Use this time to get extra help.

              F. Show an interest in the subject.

              G. Get along better with your teachers.

              (5) A. Giving expensive gifts.

              B. Show up for class on time.

              C. Not being sincere.

              D. Find the practical value in classes.

              E. Use this time to get extra help.

              F. Show an interest in the subject.

              G. Get along better with your teachers.

