优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 单句改错。
              1. Please accept my congratulation on your marriage.
              2. The Great Wall is worth of being visited.
              3. I'll do what I can to help you in return  your help.
              4. Occasions are quite rare which I have the time to spend a day with my kids.
              5. Three-fourths of the homework have been finished.
              6. Tom's mother kept telling him stories he was interested in them.
              7. Judged from his accent, he must be from America.
              8. Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring for the
              first time she read it.
              9. When the fire broke out, many workers escaped the building.
              10. To our great surprise, the scientist devotes all his life to observe the sun.
            • 2. 单句改错
              注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
                          2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
                   Today was my birthday. Yesterday our English teacher told us that we were going to have a
              English exam this morning, but I got up early and went over my lessons. During the exams, I carefully
              finished my paper. When I got back to home in the evening, Mother was waiting me. With a new
              dictionary in his hand, she patted me on the shoulder and told me to studying even harder in the future.  
              Father bought me a ten-speed bicycle. How happily I was!  I made up my mind to be one of the top
              student in my class.
            • 3. 短文改错。
              I am a very active girl in my class. I have many hobby, 
              such as writing stories, playing piano and singing English 
              songs. My most favorite subject is English. I became 
              interested on it when I was very young. My dream is 
              to study abroad. But now I need to improve my English 
              and learn more about West culture as well. I will be
              able to improving the friendship between China and 
              the rest of the world. I hoped my dream will come true.
              And I believe in that nobody can change my mind. I will work 
              harder and follow my heart, no matter how happens! 1. _____
              2. _____
              3. _____
              4. _____
              5. _____
              6. _____
              7. _____
              8. _____
              9. _____                                     
              10. ______
            • 4. 短文改错。
                   1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
                   2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
                   My dentist had just pulled out one of my tooth and had told me to rest for while. My mouth
              was full with cotton wool. He knew I collected bird eggs and asks me whether my collection was
              growing. He then asked me a lot of other question. In answer to these questions, I could neither
              nod or make strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy search out the hole where the tooth
              had been. I suddenly felt very worried, so couldn't say everything. When the dentist at last removed
              the cotton wool, I was able to tell him of that he had pulled out the wrong tooth. 
            • 5. 短文改错。
              I go abroad for further study half a year ago. I received a lot of present. All were wrapped in color
              paper. Among them were two presents which really interesting me. My sister bought me the book
              with color pictures about body language and with words about customs of differently countries in
              it. My brother gave me a note, which was read, "My present for you has been put in my
              bedroom. " While I hurried back to my bedroom, I found a box in it. Opening the box, I found a
              pocket computer. However, I was very glad. I understood these two presents would be great help
              to me in improving my English.
            • 6. 短文改错。
                   As is known to all that millions of graduates crowded into the job market each year. But because of
              the financial crisis, the situation of the employment has become very serious. Consider this, some people
              suggest graduates should have a lower career expectation, such as working in the western areas of China.
              I in favor of this idea. Firstly, compared with the big cities, the competition is not as fierce there, but
              graduates can easy get a job. Secondly, the lower position may offer graduate more space. All in all,
              going to the west  bring more benefits. Devote yourself to the west, for it is both good for our personal
              development and for our country at present.
            • 7. 短文改错。
              注意: 1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 
                   Wearing a pair of worn-out shoe, he wandered in the street. Though hungry, he could not find a penny in
              his pockets. Unfortunate, he became homeless, everyone in her family had cut off connection with him. Mild
              songs from the nearest house remind him of his every particular in acting. Up from now, he has star in more
              than 80 films, that have entertained many people. He was considered to be a out-standing actor. It was
              convincing that he would picked out to challenge the Oscar this year. But in now everything has changed.
            • 8. 短文改错。
              注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 
                        2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
                   As is known to all that millions of graduates crowded into the job market each year. But
              because of the financial crisis, the situation of the employment has become very serious.
              Consider this, some people suggest graduates should have a lower career expectation, such
              as working in the western area of China. I in favor of this idea. Firstly, compared with the
              big cities, the competition is not as fierce there, but graduates can easy get a job. Secondly,
              the lower position may offer graduate more space. All in all, going to the west maybe bring
              more benefits. Devote yourself to the west, for it is both good for our personal development
              and for our country at present.
            • 9. 短文改错。
                  Helen is one of my best friend. She had taught us English when I attended a training
              class two years before. Helen always made good preparations for the lessons, but she
              tried her best to make his class lively. I used to being poor in English, especially in
              writing English. But now I'm able to write E nglish letters and reports correct. I still
              remember how she helped me for my English patiently. Teacher's Day's coming. I'm
              going to send to her a card and give her my best wishes.
            • 10. 短文改错。
                   Two American were traveling in Spain. One morning they           
              came into a little restaurant at lunch. They didn't know Spanish,
              and their waiter didn't know English. They wanted him            
              understand that they wanted some milk. At the first they pronounced
              the word "milk" many times. Then they spelled it. But the        
              waiter could not understand him. At last one of them took a      
              piece of paper and begin to draw a cow. He was finishing his     
              drawing when the waiter looked at it and ran out the restaurant. 
              The waiter was back again some times later, but he               
              took no milk. He put down in front of the two                    
              men two tickets for a bullfight.                                  1.______      

