优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. I persuaded my cousin to communicate with a foreigner face to face for the first time.
              It was the first time that I______ my cousin______ communicating with a foreigner face to face.
            • 2. He ______ to improve his writing.
            • 3. I have a ______ feeling that we're going to miss the plane.
            • 4. If you continue to behave like this you will provide them with ______ for dismissing you.
            • 5. The TV program is absolutely ______ , I can't tear my son away.
            • 6. I was very sad ______ to hear about it.
            • 7. ______ students in our class come from Qingdao.
            • 8. ______ may be sent to Larry to learn how to play the guitar.
              A.Dogs B.Kids C.Taxi drivers D.Musicians
              33.You may call at ______ if you want to buy an apartment.
              A.6087593 B.7328059 C.5132633 D.4086872.
            • 9. 你将为它付出代价 to be repaired. ______
              Thank you for listening.
