优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I can't believe I've been in London for 6 months already.I certainly  (1)  you an apology for not writing more often.I've just been so busy studying and trying to   (2)   all the new thing around me.I think I am still experiencing culture   (3)  .There is so much here that is different  (4)   home.But you will soon experience it all yourself.I wish your visit wasn't going to be so   (5)  but there is a lot we can do and see in a week.I'm just so glad you can   (6)   to visit me and I refuse to let you pay   (7)   anything while you are here.I don't know what your   (8)   are of London, but knowing that you have   (9)   traveled outside of Asia,I thought I'd tell you a bit about   (10)   you can expect to find.

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

              (6) ________

              (7) ________

              (8) ________

              (9) ________

              (10) ________

            • 2.

              These changes became possible because of __________ (invent) such as the steam engine. This was invented in 1769 by James Watt and was the main energy __________ during the __________ __________. At first the steam engine was used in __________, but it was soon used in factories and __________ the railways.

            • 3.

              England is the largest of the four countries, and for c  (1)  it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the p  (2)   settled in the south, but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, n  (3)  , these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not a  (4)   visitors. For historical a  (5)   you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture.

              (1) __________

              (2) __________

              (3) __________

              (4) __________

              (5) __________

            • 4. A large number of students______ (take)part in the school sports meeting, and even some teachers joined in the activity______ well.  In fact, teachers and monitors who were in charge______ the activity played______ important part in it.
            • 5.

              When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story 61       for the English? This is a question that is not so62       (fool) as it may seem, for I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story 63       to the English. For instance, they care for how the mystery in the story64       (solve), but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition(介词) is used before a certain word in the speech of a certain character.  

              Of course, if you want to know the 65      only, you need not bother about the language. But a student of English is different 66        a student of stories or what is called the general reader. As you may also have learned from the above, you ought to read not only very67__  (careful) but also aloud68      you learn the passage by heart and can recite it as if it were your own. On 69       hand, this will teach you many useful words and phrases; on the other hand, it70       (help) you to avoid many mistakes and faults in expression.

            • 6.
              Dear Jenny, 
              I’ve got the letter you wrote to me   (1)  December 5th last Friday. I’m very happy to hear that you’re doing well.
                It’s been about two months since you left. I’m very glad    (2)  hear that your new job is interesting, but I’m sorry to hear that you don’t like Washington. I think you’ll like    (3)     better once you make more friends there. Good luck to you!
                Thank you very much    (4)    your invitation,    (5)   I’m very sorry that I can’t go to your Christmas party on December 24th    (6)     my grandfather will come here that day to celebrate Christmas    (7)    our family. Please forgive (原谅) me! I hope you can come to New York to spend       (8)   New Year holiday with us.                                              
            • 7. 根据课文内容填写恰当的单词或词组

              My life is a lot easier at high school because my   (1)  students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me   (2) .

              I have a very busy life with no time to   (3)  feeling sorry for myself.   (4)  going to the movies and football matches with my friend, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets   (5)  takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially if I have been away for a while.

            • 8. Nelson Mandela, (1)__________was born on July 18, 1918, is(2)___________  first black president of South (3)___________(African). He wanted to be a  (4)______(law) after he left university. In 1944 he formed the ANC (5) __________(young) League. Then in 1952 he set up a law office to help poor black people. Because( 6)____________  fighting (7)____________ the government and anti-black laws, he was (8)____________(sentence) to five years hard labor. Fighters from ANC began to  blow  up buildings in 1963 and he was put in prison on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years (9)____________,he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was (10)____________(make) president and the government by and for black people was  set up. Nelson Mandela is a great man.
            • 9.

              May: Hi, Mike. Long time no see.

              Mike: Hi, May!

              May: Where have you been these days? It’s been quite a long time   (1)  I last saw you in the library.

              Mike: Well, I went to Hong Kong last month and stayed there   (2)  _half a month.

              May: Why did you stay there so long?

              Mike: Er, I went there   (3)  (attend) a meeting to discuss how to make sure of flight   (4)  (safe) between countries.

              May: I called you many times, but I could not get through,   (5)  made me very angry.

              Mike: Oh, I’m sorry. I got my phone number  (6)  (change) when I was in Hong Kong so that I didn’t have to spend so  (7)  on my phone calls.

              May: Did you have a good time there?

              Mike: Yes, a very nice time. I drove around with my friends. I also paid _  (8)  visit to the Hong Kong Disneyland. It was the first time that I   (9)  _(see) the sea. It’s   (10)  (real) a wonderful experience.

