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            • 1.
              With the summer holiday just around the corner,it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations.Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket:
              Travel off-season
              Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts.During the peak season,the hotel and flight prices increase quickly,and you'll likely spend more of your vacation time standing in line due to the rush of tourists.(36) ______
              (37) ______
              Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms.Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding.Stay with the locals.If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period,renting a small apartment is a good choice.
              Eat like a local
              Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new?(38) ______ During your family trip,try new food where the locals eat.This will not just save money,but also provide you with a new and different experience.For smaller meals and snacks,avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout.
              Don't hesitate to bargain
              Tourist-heavy places are known for overcharging for just about everything.Clothes,travel goodies,souvenirs,etc.are very expensive at these places.(39) ______ Bargain hard to get the best price.
              Choose local transportation
              (40) ______ Instead,take buses,railways or subways,which are always cheaper.If you are planning to stay for a while,you can consider renting a car.Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot.
              A.Save on hotels.
              B.Surf the Internet while traveling.
              C.Therefore,avoid buying anything there.
              D.So it's best to find out when the off-season starts.
              E.Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs.
              F.For this reason,you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask for bargains.
              G.As a tourist,avoid taking taxis whenever possible,since they are expensive.
            • 2.
              There is no doubt that losing weight is much harder than gaining it.So how does one go about the difficult task of shedding (除掉) those extra pounds?(36) ______ The tips and ideas presented to you here are meant to be the extra information you need to help you to get started off on the right foot.
              (37) ______ If you really like pasta(意大利面食),there are healthy options available to you.You can replace regular pasta noodles with noodles that are made with whole wheat.Using whole wheat pasta tends to be more filling than regular pasta.
              Exercise will help you lose weight.Studies show that those who exercise,not only lose weight,but keep it off more successfully than those who don't exercise.Exercise will help raise your metabolic (新陈代谢) rate and create a calorie deficit,which helps the weight come off quicker.(38) ______ Cut your juice with half water or club soda.(39) ______ If you can cut them in half with something else,you will eliminate a large number of empty calories and sugar from your diet.This can help you to lose a few pounds.
              You may think that you are going to benefit by skipping a meal here and there but in all honesty,you will not.(40) ______ It will make it much harder for you to burn off the calories from the food that was in your body from the previous meal.

              A.Go to bed very early for a full week.
              B.For most,it can be hard to find a starting point.
              C.Exercise is the most important.
              D.When you are trying to lose weight,pasta can be a bad thing.
              E.Keep moving to keep the weight off.
              F.Many juices are filled with sugar and calories that you don't need.
              G.Skipping meals will cause your body to go into a mode for fat-storing.
            • 3.
              Many adults are not aware of the very active social lives that their children lead.You might think that your young child does not yet have a social life.(76) ______
              Young children under the age of 5are in a stage of life where they need to be nurtured by their parents,guided and taught about the world around them.They have minimal independence and are generally always supervised by an adult.Even so,it is a stage of their lives when huge amounts of personality development and emotional development take place.(77) ______
              One of the things that always makes me chuckle is when I am in the supermarket or out and about and I see a young mother with her child.The mother is often busy multi-tasking,picking up items,calculating prices and soothing her young child all at the same time,while the child is engaging with the people around them.(78) ______ Usually the mother is completely unaware that her child is engaging in social interaction.Some babies smile at every passing person,undoubtedly developing the charm that will open many doors for them in later life.
              Aside from all of the incidental ways that your child engages in social interaction,it is important to purposely set up opportunities for your child to socialize and interact with other children their age.(79) Households with many children can be ideal for providing natural opportunities for children to interact socially.However today's typical household contains just one or two children.
              (80) ______ Organizing play dates with other children their age is great,as is enrolling them in some type of activity for toddlers at the local library.Look around your community for activities that are safe,social and stimulating for your child and begin to purposefully involve your child in these activities for their social development.

              A.Sometimes the child makes eye contact,some times an adult waves to the child or makes faces.
              B.In reality though,even if your child spends the majority of their time right by your side,they interact directly or indirectly with everyone you interact with and more.
              C.The fact is,many of the social skills that they learn as a young child will last them throughout their entire lifespan.
              D.This development will affect their young social lives and,surprisingly to most,a lot of the social interaction that they will engage in for the remainder of their lives.
              E.Anything aimed at children much younger than your child will bore them and anything aimed at children much older will frustrate them.
              F.Taking young children to the local park to play while you watch and supervise is a great way to introduce them to playing with other children.
              G.This gives them healthy opportunities to begin to develop socially.
            • 4.
              There is no doubt that losing weight is much harder than gaining it.So how does one go about the difficult task of shedding those extra pounds(36) ______ The tips and ideas presented to you here are meant to be the extra information you need to help you to get started off on the right foot.
              (37) ______ If you really like pasta,there are healthy options available to you.You can replace regular pasta noodles with noodles that are made with whole wheat.Using whole wheat pasta tends to be more filling than regular pasta.
              (38) ______ Studies show that those who exercise,not only lose weight,but keep it off more successfully than those who don't exercise.Exercise will help raise your metabolic (新陈代谢) rate and create a calorie deficit,which helps the weight come off quicker.Keep moving to keep the weight off.
              Cut your juice with half water or club soda.(39) ______ If you can cut them in half with something else,you will eliminate a large number of empty calories and sugar from your diet.This can help you to lose a few pounds.
              You may think that you are going to benefit by skipping a meal here and there but in all honesty,you will not.(40) ______ It will make it much harder for you to burn off the calories from the food that was in your body from the previous meal.
              A.Exercise will help you lose weight.
              B.Get to bed very early for a full week.
              C.For most,it can be hard to find a starting point.
              D.When you are trying to lose weight,pasta can be a bad thing.
              E.Try eating a cherry tomato out of your partner's navel tonight!
              F.Many juices are filled with sugar and calories that you don't need.
              G.Skipping meals will cause your body to go into a mode for fat-storing.
            • 5.
              There are times in life when things don't go as expected.Perhaps an important project of yours ended up in failure.Or you got laid off from your job.Whatever it is,it might make you depressed.But you need to get things back under control.You need to keep moving forward.(31) ______ .In this way,you can face the situation with a positive attitude.How to Feel Better?Here are some tips to make yourself feel better when you're depressed:
              (1) Calm down
              Before anything else,calm yourself down.Don't panic.(32) ______ .You can only apply the tips below if you are calm.
              (2) (33) ______
              When you're depressed,it's easy to fall into a cycle of negative thoughts,which makes things look worse than they actually are.It's important that you break this cycle so that you don't become a victim of your own thoughts.You may read spiritual texts,motivational books,or inspiring quotes.You may also listen to positive tapes.
              (3) Remember good things
              Our minds tend to focus on the negative and not the positive. (34) ______ .Remember the good things in your life.Remember the good people around you.
              (4) Forgive
              Sometimes one reason you feel bad is because you don't forgive.Perhaps you had made mistakes in the past and you blamed yourself for it.You need to forgive yourself.Or perhaps someone mistreated you.(35) ______ .I know it's easier said than done,but as Mahatma Gandhi said:The weak can never forgive.Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
              So let us all be strong.

              A.You apologized for it.
              B.You need to forgive them.
              C.You need to make yourself feel better.
              D.Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
              E.But you should direct your mind to the positive.
              F.Feed your mind with positive thoughts.
              G.Say something positive.
            • 6.
              Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger,but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways.You may wonder how paving (铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water.(31) ______ Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers.It comes from underground.The more roads and parking lots we pave,the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.
              (32) ______ Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱)than areas with more rainfall,but,in any case,good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.
              (33) ______ In the United States,a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day!This shows how much we depend on water to live,but there's a lot we can do to lower the number.
              (34) ______ To start with,use the same glass for your drinking water all day.Wash it only once a day.Run your dishwasher (洗碗机) only when it is full.(35) ______ You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling (回收) batteries instead of throwing them away.

              A.Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages.
              B.Help your parents fix any leaks (漏水的地方) in your home.
              C.Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference,too.
              D.Some measures to save water should be taken by the government.
              E.A major part of the water we use every day is the water from lakes or rivers.
              F.A major part of the water we use every day is ground water.
              G.You can take steps to save water in your home.
            • 7.
              Ways to Improve Your Luck
              Some people have all the luck!Or does it just seem that way?Why did your co-worker get that big promotion while you were overlooked?Why do some of us seem to experience these lucky things more than others and how can you improve your luck?(16) ______
              What You Tell Yourself Matters!
              Do you know that people who are lucky tell themselves they're lucky?Has your own self-talk been filled with less-than-lucky talk?Do you say things like:"I'm just not a lucky person."or"Good things never happen to me?"(17) ______ They say things like---"This setback is only temporary.I know things will turn around."or"Things have a way of working out for me."
              Expect and Acknowledge Your Good Luck.
              (18) ______ Research suggests keeping a"good luck journal"helps people become even luckier.Did someone bring you coffee at work today?Did you find a random quarter on the street?Did your husband or wife do something nice for you today?Did your child get a good grade at school?Write them down!(19) ______ Begin to notice all the good that comes to you.
              Do Something New and Different.
              Make contact with people.Take risks.People who try new things are much more open to luck and good fortune than those who don't.This doesn't mean you have to quit your job or take up skydiving!It could be as simple as starting a conversation with a stranger,taking a class in an unfamiliar subject,learning some words and phrases in a foreign language,or trying a new ethnic restaurant.(20) ______ And this greater openness can help promote chance opportunities in their lives.

              A.All of these things count.
              B.You will never forget your lucky friends.
              C.Lucky people generally expect good fortune.
              D.Here are ideas that researchers tell us about luck.
              E.A lucky person generally receive good fortune in the future.
              F.Lucky people score much higher on openness than unlucky people.
              G.You probably have many more lucky things happening in your life than you think.
            • 8.
              In high school,it's important to stay healthy.(36) ______ How can you study well if you're sick?So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school.In order to enjoy good health,you should have some good habits.Here are some tips for you.
              Drink water regularly every day.Some students don't like drinking water.They only drink water when they're extremely thirsty.(37) ______ You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well.Avoid sports drinks and soda when you're thirsty.They are not good for your health.
              (38) ______ Some students don't eat three meals a day.No matter what happens,you shouldn't skip any meal of the day.Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism(新陈代谢)high and keeps your energy up.It's especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein,carbohydrates(碳水化合物),and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity.If you don't eat,how can you stay focused in class?
              Eat the right foods.Some students eat whatever they can get.This is wrong.(39) ______ Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours.Skip muffins,donuts and other processed foods.Instead,choose whole grains,protein,fruits and vegetables.
              (40) ______ If you do that,you may not pay attention to how much you are eating.You may eat too much.Eating too much harms your health.And you may gain too much weight because of it.Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that's full.

              A.This is bad for your health
              B.Don't skip meals
              C.Eat a good breakfast every day.
              D.Avoid eating too much at one time.
              E.If you are unhealthy,you may fall ill easily.
              F.Don't watch TV or movies when you eat.
              G.You should eat the foods that are good for your body.
            • 9.
              As children grow and develop,they'll begin to show interest in many different things.They'll start to give more attention to certain things that really interest them,some of which will turn into dreams.
              (36) ______ But for goals that are so far off and often so big,how do we even start to provide guidance?
              Have Them Write Down Their Dream.Writing down the dream allows them to see the idea in the first steps of fabrication and helps them stay responsible for their goal.
              Research Their Dream.(37) ______ Research will also give them important information on what they'll need in order to turn the dream into reality.
              Make A Timeline For Achievement.Setting a date for achievement of a goal helps keep you focused.For children,the goal could be,"within 5years after I graduate from college",or,"before I turn 16."
              (38) ______ How do you plan on achieving your goal?What steps are you going to take?What education or special skills do you need to accomplish your goal?
              Focus on the Dream and Develop Perseverance.The first step is to get focused,which is the fuel that drives people to achieve.Perseverance is the extra push you need to be able to give yourself when things start to slow down (or seem like they're slowing down).(39) ______
              Play Games.Develop games or challenges that allow your children to make small achievements.Or simply ask them if they have any smaller dreams or goals that they want to accomplish sooner.(40) ______ If children can achieve on a small scale,they'll learn two important things:achieving on a large scale is possible; the process of achieving works.The importance of this process isn't really about the initial dream.It's about teaching children how to achieve anything.We want them to learn the process so that even if their dreams change,their chances of success do not.

              A.Show Your Support and Set a Good Example.
              B.As far as kids are concerned,anything is possible.
              C.If your goal is to help your children achieve these dreams,you should show them how and help lead the way.
              D.The more they learn about their dream,the more realistic it becomes.
              E.Use these things as teaching tools.
              F.A dream without a determined attitude is simply a"once was."
              G.Develop a Plan of Action.
            • 10.
              News reports warn us that the smog is expected to stay with us for a couple of months.Air quality is 10times worse than the World Health Organizaion's recommended levels.
              You may think that there is nothing you can do about the air you breathe.(36) ______
              Wear an N95mask
              Surgical masks won't do,my friends.You need a proper N95mask.(37) ______ The purpose is to filter out the little particles(颗粒)in the air that can be very unhealthy if breathed in.It's not attractive,but our health is more important than looking attractive.
              Drink lots of water and stay hydrated
              Hot temperature and high humidity are often connected with high smog levels.This makes it important to stay in the shade and drink lots of water to stay hydrated,especially before,during,and after exercise.(38) ______
              Stay indoors
              If possible,stay indoors.While you might want to visit your favourite open-air hawker stall(小贩摊档),now it's not the time to do so.(39) ______ Better still,for those at work,pack your own lunch.What's more important,avoid exercise outdoors,especially from mid-morinnig to early evening,when smog levels are higher.
              (40) ______
              Often neighbors or family members smoke in the hallways or just outside of apartment buildings,which makes the air much worse.And this air still comes into the apartments.So keep the windows closed and use air purifiers to protect your home.
              When your city's smog gets bad,mow you have the tips to keep on trucking.Best of luck.
              A.Protect your home.
              B.Keep the windows closed.
              C.If you want to go out,go to malls,and eat in enclosed spaces.
              D.Consider exercising indoors in a smoke-free,air conditioned environment.
              E.However,there are easy ways to protect yourself against smog and air pollution.
              F.Besides,water will not only solve your thirst,but help clear your breathing passages.
              G.Its straps should be securely fastened behind your head,to hold the mask against your face.
